***House Arrest***

***House Arrest***

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…..This is………….my Whining-Post…..

I’m not a good patient…..

…..I don’t believe I even try to be…..

Recently I’ve been expected to sit on the couch…and behave…..

…..(because of the blood thinners…and until “they” can figure things out)…..

…..(and because I really can’t catch my breath anyway)…..

I’m trying to be compliant………….(up to a point)…..

…..(but this is unrealistic)…..

It’s been carrying on for too long…..

My stomach is welty & bruised & overly-colorful…from the enoxaparin sodium…..

…..it burns…..

…..(it’s like framing & illuminating the fat-bits of my stomach…to direct more attention to my rolls)…..

I’m not allowed to do anything fun…like falling off a horse…or bush-hogging the property…..

…..(I’m quite sure the doctors don’t even know what a bush hog is)…(but they don’t want me doing it anyway)…..

I don’t like taking medicine…and it gives me heart-burn………….(TMI?)…..

I hate these stupid shots…(twice a day is cutting into my non-existent social life)…..

…..I wasn’t cut-out to be a hot-house flower…(not a quiet one anyway)…..

We’re still waiting for appointments with a host of specialists…(it takes forever to get to see these guys)…..

I won’t even be able to see the Pulmonologist (for the first appointment) until the end of July…..

…..(I’m pretty sure pulmonary embolisms would be right up their alley)…..

So I’m twiddling my thumbs…..

…..aggravated and irritated…and as non-compliant as I can possibly get away with…..

I’m going to go try force-feeding another Moon Pie and main-line a mediocre bourbon & coke…..

…..(but my oldest daughter watches me like a hawk)…..

Thank you for letting me vent…..

I’m good now for awhile…..

…..I’m going to go continue streaming the X-Files…from my couch…(which has permanent butt imprints on it now)…..

…..(I’m on Season #5)…..






#enoxaparinsodium #lovenox

#xfiles #jimbeambourbon #moonpie #pulmonaryembolism #pulmonologist #heparin #scullyandmulder

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