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Come  On  Now!…..


…(me being pensive at the beach)…

I’m here in sunny sub-Tropical Florida…trying to reckon with this year’s Hurricane Season…..

…..and what do the equally sunny smiling…multiple meteorologists point out to me?…..

……………Hurricane Hilary………….

…..(with one “L”)…..



That’s the West Coast of the United States?…not the West Coast of Florida?…..

Mother Nature…are you sure about this trajectory?…..

What is going on with the World?…..

Hurricane Eta…(2020)
…(I don’t even remember this one)…

…..Florida gets Hurricanes…so does Alabama…Mississippi…Louisiana…and Texas…..

Mother Nature…are you really sure?…..

Southern California doesn’t get hurricanes…they have fault lines and earthquakes…..

…..they can’t get a hurricane too!?!…..


But apparently so…..

I’m still sweating out the Atlantic activity plus keeping an eye on the Gulf’s swirling-stuff…..

But California…and Hilary?…..

…..it boggles my mind…..

Apparently there is some distant precedent…back in the 1930’s…..

*****(Good Ole’ Wikipedia)*****



*****(The National Weather Service)*****

I have cousins in Los Angeles…who over the years have always been compassionate about us having to sweat out each and every hurricane season here in Florida.

Our fathers were brothers who came from Ohio…..

Ohio doesn’t get hurricanes…(it does get Arctic Blasts and other very frozen things)…but no twirling meteorological maniacs with names…..

Ohio gets nice apples…and strawberries…and County Fairs…and maple syrup…and pretty autumns…..

Ohio’s looking pretty good…right about now…..

I’ll keep watching…it’s all I can do…..

…..I have my crank radio at the ready…along with extra stacks of assorted batteries…..

I’ll keep chewing on my bottom lip…..

…..while my stomach lining keeps deteriorating…..

Apparently………….that’s my job…..

cone graphic

Mother Nature………….you tricksy Enigma…..





#hurricanehilary #tropicalstormhilary

#californiatourismboard #floridatourismboard #losangeles #losangelesobservatory #hurricanes

#noaa #nationalweatherservice #amptp #amptpstrike #wga #wgastrike #ohiotourismboard #la

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