***Hey Everybody…..It’s That Time!***

***Hey Everybody…..It’s That Time!***

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*******

I bet you know what time of year this is…..

I bet you do…..

I’ll need a show of hands…..



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IT’S HURRICANE SEASON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OF COURSE IT IS!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TRA!  LA!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


…..(deep breaths…..deep breaths)…..

Well…..buckle-up and get your asthma inhalers…..

For some reason…..buying adequate plywood to cover you windows is going to break the bank this year…..

…..have you seen the increases in lumber prices!?!…..

*****Expensive Wooden Boards—Why?*****

…..Geez!  Louise!…..

So this is the time of year where I start taking my yoga seriously again…..

…..along with my the deep breathing exercises…..


…..(who am I kidding?)…..

…………………(my Friend Jim)…………………

…..(more likely…..I’ll watch for sales on my mediocre/remedial bourbon)…..

Usually by now I’ve heard the estimation of how many named and un-named storms there will be this season…..

*****What Shall We Name Them This Year?*****

…..somehow I missed that this year…..I’ll have to find out…..

*****Predicted Hurricanes…..sigh…..*****

From June 1st.  to November 30th. it’s white-knuckle-season…..

…..so buckle up baby…..

…..here’s to hoping it’s not going to be a bumpy ride…..








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