***Here We Go Round***

***Here We Go Round***

*****Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*****

Our mulberry tree has fruit again this year…..

The foot race is on…..

…..(you know the mulberry bush dance from children’s songs?)…..

…..(FYI…..we always loose)…..

That’s because we have excessively-well-focused/mostly-fixated competition…..

…..from the birds…..the squirrels…..the swamp rats…..even our scavenging horses…..

…..they all beat us to the mulberries each and every year…..

The times I have actually been out there on a ladder with a bucket in hand…..

…..the squirrels are on adjacent trees chattering at me…..

…..and the crows are at the top of the mulberry tree yelling down at me through the canopy…..

……………………………it’s a jungle out there…………………………..

Even though the tree is prolific and the berries are huge…..

…..it’s obviously a social destination on every furry and/or feathery critter’s dance card within a five mile radius…..

Unless I stand guard 24/7 with motion-detecting flash-bombs…smoke-grenades…..and net-throwing canons…..

…..and I still won’t beat the crowds that flock or slither to that tree…..

I’d like to make jam…..I really would…..

…..but you need a lot of berries for that…..and they ripen in their own sweet time…..

…..I can pick away until my fingers are permanently purple…..

…..but my timing is never the mulberry crop’s timing…..

…..and it’s sure as shootin’ the squirrels perfect timing…..

…..little fuzzy @#$%^&%^$#’s…..

The best I can manage each year is a handful here or mouthful there…..

…..(I can’t lie…..being annually outsmarted is a topic of some of my primal-swamp-screaming)…..

The tree was planted about fifteen years ago…..(I think)…..

…..it was a gift from Doctor Brigid as a little/tiny sapling…..

They have a huge mulberry tree on their farm…..

…..our little sapling has certainly grown…..

We’ve had more success with Carambola jam…..

The Carambola (a.k.a. Star Fruit)…..is another tart/tropical treat…..

***Carambola Fruit***

We haven’t planted one of those trees yet…..but I’m thinking about it…..

…..when I do…..I wonder what sort of electric-dome I could construct around it?…..



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