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…..I’m not sure anymore…..

My war with the Disney rats continues…..

So cute…so sweet…..

They’re diabolical……

Remember how I had to convert my chicken coop into an electrified Stalag Coop?……

…..just to keep my biddies safe?…..

Now there’s a war on between me and those damned/twitchy-tailed sciuridae…..

…..(and yes that’s a word)…(I don’t care what Auto-Correct keeps telling me)…..

…..(Get with the program AutoCorrect!)…..

…..I’ll take you on at a later date…but not today…..

*****Today My Rant Is Against Those Damed Overly-Dentally-Enhanced Rodents(!)*****

They’ve strategized and mapped out a complete battle plan against me…my garage…and my stored feed bags…..

Gone are the days of casually leaving the garage door open for ventilation…..

Gone are the carefree days of letting Otto come and go…as he pleases…..

…..It’s War…..

In the past…when we’ve dumped some corn or dog food…we would let the chickens come in at their leisure…..

…..they would hunt & peck…and clean things up…..

…..and Otto would keep the garage clear of opportunistic mice and rats…(but did he?)…..

…..No More!…..

The garage door and side door have to be closed up tight…..

…..we have to slip in & out…unannounced…..

…..or else one of those slippery bastards will swoop in…take up immediate residency…..

…..and have their china-patterns picked out and the garage wallpapered in earth-tone/nut patterns before you know what’s happened…..

And so………….I got angry…..

…..especially when I was standing knee-high in the middle of discarded oat hulls and squirrel excrement…..

…(this photo’s corn…not oats…but you get the idea)…(damned Disney rats)…

So I planned and I sketched and I devised some armor-plated squirrel-proofing…..

…..I found and re-purposed some left-over rolls of galvanized metal roof-flashing along with some corrugated-metal edging…..

I collected all of the random/discarded bricks and cement blocks that I could find around the farm…(and there were surprisingly quite a few)…and I jammed them up against the metal flashing…..

…..I can only imagine a sumo-squirrel hefting cement blocks out of the way…..

Those bastards had started gnawing on the wood molding around the doors(!)…..

…(blurry…but definitely chewed on)…

…..I don’t want to poison them (well I actually do) because they would probably die where the hounds would consider them a freebie snack…and then the Wolfhounds would get sick from the poison too…..

…..I was considering using my 12-gauge…but squirrels are sneaky & scheming…and I’d have to wait in a squirrel-blind…wearing squirrel-camouflage…..

…..I’d probably take out a window…or aerate a wall…plus there are so many of them…(but the thought does spark joy)…..

Damn You…Disney Rats!………….(said while overly-dramatically shaking my fists at the tree canopies)…..


…..(the Saga of the Garage Bastille will continue…I’m sure)…..







#blissfeedzephyrhillsflorida #mannapro #purinafeed #seminolefeed #omolene #fieldcorn #

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