*Good Luck Truck*

*Good Luck Truck*

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I almost got my truck back…..

We almost made it home…..

But the oil wouldn’t stay inside the engine….

So we had to stop…..

…..and I suppose my post could end right there…..

We were so close to getting my truck back home…..

…..so close…..

My truck was all fixed and finished up and waiting to come home…..

Suzanne-Annette’s loaner truck was cleaned and checked and filled…..

…(Suzanne-Annette’s Silverado)…

The mechanic’s necessary expenses were paid…..

…..we organized the Pick-Up-Drop-Off-Truck-Duet…..

We picked up my truck…then dropped off Suzanne-Annette’s…..

…..and we happily started motoring home…..

…..(or so we thought)…..

We were fine on the back roads…but when we started accelerating on the ramp onto the Interstate…..

…..all hell broke loose…..

…..white smoke started spewing out the back of the truck…then out from under the hood…then it filled the truck’s cab…..

Red engine lights came on…and the power-steering froze…..

…..all while accelerating to seventy miles per hour…with eighteen-wheelers and irate soccer-moms whizzing around us…..

My older daughter handled it all well…we coasted off the road and onto the side pavement…..

And there we sat…..

…..coughing from burning oil smoke…tearing eyes…(for many reasons)…and just grateful we were off to the side of the high-speed road before the frozen power-steering made any safe exit totally impossible…..

It wasn’t a big surprise that we still had the business card for the towing company who hauled my truck to the mechanic in the first place…..

…..and so we waited…..

My older daughter did say she’d choke us both if we started singing camp songs…..

…..so the three of us silently counted special-colored trucks…while our own was being buffeted by high speed traffic zooming past…..

…..and we waited…..

…..and we waited……

…..and we waited some more…for Mr. Tow Truck…..

It’s important to count your blessings…..

Timing is everything…..

Making that damned-glass of lemonade comes in many different forms…..

…..we were off the road…unharmed…playing car-games…and not being choked by my older daughter…..

Life Is that Twelve-Step program…..

Enjoy your Lemonade…..






#mobildelvac #shelloil 

#dieselmechanic #fordtruck #silveradotruck #lemonade #dieseloil #stp #amsoil #rotella #mobiloil

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