Getting Ready For Weaning

Getting Ready For Weaning

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Finley has turned into a huge, robust colt…..

He has a butt on him like an old-fashioned Quarter Horse…..

He’s not lacking for groceries…..

…..but Claire…..

…..she worries me…..

Finley’s healthy physique has come at a cost to her…..

Claire’s a great mom…..

She loves her son…..she tolerates his abuses and antics…..

…..(he’s really obnoxious)…..

…..she’s supplied him with more than enough milk & nutrition…..

…..that’s reflected in how good Finley looks…..

But it has all been at a cost to Claire…..

She is putting every single calorie that she consumes back into her baby…..

Six months is a good rule of thumb to consider weaning a foal…..

…..longer if possible…..

Claire’s Hip Bone

Over the years I’ve found that draft horse mares (if they’re good ones) put heart…body…and…soul into their babies…..

…..and their own personal weight drops like a rock…..

Even though Claire is being fed three huge meals a day along with nutritional and fat supplements in each feeding…..

…..Finley’s getting the vast majority of it all…..

Claire has free-choice alfalfa all the time…..

…..and Finley keeps growing…..

Claire & Addy

Given Claire’s rough previous life…..I don’t want to tax her too much…..

I’ve made the decision to wean Finley sooner than six months…..

…..he will be four months old on the fifteenth of this month……

… time flies…..

…..he’s Mega-Huge……

…..a real bruiser for only four months old…..

Claire’s Top Line

Finley’s eating hay and grain PLUS nursing from Claire…..

…..other than his feelings being hurt…..

…..I don’t think he’ll suffer much from being weaned early…..

…..and I think Claire needs and deserves some solitary TLC…..

Claire Prior To Pregnancy…






3 thoughts on “Getting Ready For Weaning

  1. A possible alternative solution might be to separate them by a gate or stall during the day and putting them out together for a short time. But many colts thrive with a 4- month weaning.

    1. I’ll try that. We have a pole barn. In the past, at least one foal has crawled out over the walls to get back to Mom. Hmmmm…..we should probably try stalling Mom instead…..I don’t think Claire would try as hard to get back to Finley.

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