***Fun With Barbed Wire***

***Fun With Barbed Wire***

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Here’s a fun idea…Let’s All Play With Barbed Wire!…..

Have you ever had a “project” that you keep putting off finishing?…..

My barbed wire wreath project is one of those…..

…..I started it a few years ago…..

Actually it was started even longer ago than that…..

I really don’t like barbed wire…I’ll pick electric wiring without any hesitation over barbed wire…..

…..but somehow or another…a complete roll of the stuff showed up here…..

…..I didn’t buy it…..

I’ll never use it for fencing…it just won’t work here…but coming from a frugal/thrifty background…..

…..I have to find some good use for it…..

Past Wreath Project #1
Past Wreath Project #2

So several years back…I decided to make a country/barbed wire wreath out of it…for our front gate…..

It seemed simple enough…..

…..well…except for the multiple/sharp metal spikes…..

…..but I’m up to date on my tetanus shot…and I’ve got a supply of bandages….


…..(except that it’s going to hurt)…..

…(minor wire cuts…but still nasty…can you tell I’m on blood thinners?)…

It’s a nice idea…I’ve seen them on other farm and ranch gates…..

…..but it’s going to hurt making it…even with gloves on…..

That’s why this project has been put on the back-burner (repeatedly)…..

…..usually…around June or July I re-discover the spool of wire…caked in leaves & dirt…pushed under a wagon or buggy…..

I make a mental note to make sure I pull it out and complete it “this” year…..

…..but it keeps getting put off…probably…because it hurts…..

…why couldn’t I pick an easier medium?…

But This Year!………….This Year!………….I’m Going To Complete It!…..

I was hoping it would get rustier-looking…..

…..it’s still pretty/new/& shiny…..

…..I suppose it will rust in time…..

I’ve got it partially started…a few loops around the garbage can to hold it’s shape and size…..

…..but there’s a lot of wire still on that spool…..

So suck it up…Old Woman…get in the Holiday Spirit…and git ‘er ‘done…..

If I win the up-coming battle with the spool…I’ll publish a photo of the finished wreath in a future post…..

…..(I’ll make sure I hose off the blood first)…..

I’m psyched!…I CAN DO THIS!…(ouch)…..







#shotgunshells #reloading #christmasproject #reloadingshells

#barbedwire #christmaswreath #holidayspirit #electricwire #holidayprojects #whitehouse

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