*Forced Insomnia*

*Forced Insomnia*

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I know it’s only temporary…..

But I’m at that whiny-stage of puppy-rearing…..

I’d like to sleep…a full night…in my bed…I’m tired of warming formula in the wee hours of the morning…..

I’m exhausted from the continuous/prevailing panic about tube feeding in the middle of the night…(or any time really)…..

I cover it…but it’s a constant under-current…of bile-enhanced fear…..

Tube Feeding Apparatus

It’s something I will never get comfortable with in the sunny light of day…much less during the sleep-deprived nights…while fighting to keep my eyes open…..

There’s a constant low-grade headache that goes with the sleepless territory…..

…..but as much as it feels like this stage will Never End…it will be over just as quickly…in another week…(or so)…..

The puppies are quiet in between meals…so that’s a pretty good indication that they are getting enough to fill their tummies each time…..

We needed to stop letting the pups nurse from Killian…because Killian developed a uterine infection after the C-section…even though she’d been on Baytril 2X’s a day since the procedure…..


Unfortunately though…we lost two puppies…it was either that sinister “fading puppy syndrome” or Killian’s systemic infection that may have been passed on to them through her milk…..

Regardless…Doctor Brigid recommended only tube-feeding from then on…which we did…and the remaining little girl and little boy are doing just fine…and thriving…..

It’s sad not letting her puppies nurse from their mother…Killian doesn’t understand…but even though we don’t let them nurse…we let her clean them up and nuzzle them…..

She’s by her puppies (in their bin & heating pad)…(and also by me) all the time…..

Killian does have very good reflexes…because she’s able to dodge my half-asleep flailings in the middle of the night after she decides to stick her nose in my eye while whining in my ear…..

…..maternal hound…..







#akc #irishwolfhoundpuppies #irishwolfhounds #tubefeeding #fadingpuppysyndrome #baytril

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