***Fingers Crossed***

***Fingers Crossed***


Our veterinarian just left…..

Doctor/Reverend/Sir/Stevie Wonder dropped by to draw blood from Addy…..

…..we haven’t done her bloodwork since the beginning of summer…..

Addy also hasn’t been taking any medicine/antibiotics since then either…..

I’m hoping that her bloodwork will be acceptably normal when the results come back tomorrow evening…..

I mean…..what’s normal…..?…..nobody’s normal here…..

I’ve been journaling her temperature daily…..(actually twice a day)…..

…..some people journal dreams…..some journal thoughts & plans…..some write what they’ve accomplished…..


I journal rectal temperatures…..

…..twice a day to be specific…..

***(I just re-read those last few sentences…..I really don’t get out much…..do I?)***

Addy’s Butt

(In fact…..right now…..I have a selection of rectal thermometers to choose from in the safety of Patrice’s bibs…..)

(maybe that’s something I shouldn’t share so easily?…..)

Pascal——-(see Glossary of Terms)

(What do you think, Pascal?…..)

I Don’t Use No Gloves

…..But Good News…..

…..she’s been within normal range…..all summer long…..

Addy & Chantilly

…..plus…..it’s been a scary/hot summer…..

…..but she’s kept her appetite up and her temperature down throughout…..

It got up to 95 degrees Fahrenheit today…..with humidity you could chew on and spit out…..

*****apparently we matched the record high which was set back in 1943…..(swell)…..*****

But Addy’s been trucking along…..

I’m really hoping her bloodwork is normal…..

She’s acting normal…..

I’m afraid to use her in this heat…..

…..I don’t want to tip the apple-cart (so to speak)…..

Maybe I’m just being paranoid…..

But she’s so big…..and she’s so black (black absorbs heat)…..and it’s so hot…..

…..like I said…..maybe I’m just being paranoid…..

Keep your fingers and toes crossed…..

Let’s wait and see what the old girl’s blood panel looks like…..tomorrow evening…..







2 thoughts on “***Fingers Crossed***

    1. Addy hasn’t been “exposed” to a stallion. My plan is to put her in with Brave when the weather cools a tad. That way in eleven months a foal birth would be cooler too and nicer for everybody.

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