—Egg Production—

—Egg Production—

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The girls are slacking…..

Our conveyor belt of eggs has slowed way down…..

It’s a little sad knowing I can slip into a chicken’s head so easily…..

I know their logic…I know their head-chatter…..

…..there’s not a lot to either…..

…..(it’s about as easy as slipping into cocktail party conversations)…(but at least with the chickens…I don’t need to wear Spanx)…..

Sorry…this post is already devolving into nonsensical comparisons…..

…..(and that’s what regularly happens inside my head)…..

But the girls have let their egg production slack off…..

I could’ve predicted this one…I know these things…..

…..maybe that’s something I shouldn’t broadcast…(that I know how to make mind-less chit-chat over hors d’oeuvres AND/OR why chickens slow down their production of eggs?)…..

But the biddies have almost stopped completely…and that’s because of the recent barometric pressure changes…..

…..when Hurricane Idalia skirted us a few weeks back…we missed the storm…but the barometric pressure did have some dramatic ups and downs in our locality…..

******(“The Backyard Chicken.Com” Is A Great Source Of Chicken Information)*****

…..and with that barometric pressure rollercoaster…our hens reacted with a virtual cessation of making eggs…..

In the past…veterinarians have told me that horses have a propensity for colicking more when the barometer drops…..

I guess it changes and rumbles the gas pressures in their very long digestive tract…..

And over the years…I’ve noticed the weather affects the quantity of eggs laid by the hens…..

They recently dropped down to about one egg per day…..

Now…as we get farther away from Hurricane Idalia’s effects…they are starting to lay again…..

…..I’ve seen internal illustrations of chickens…and the various stages of egg production…from embryo…to soft shell…to hard shell…then laying the egg…..

Geez…hurricanes must make them feel really constipated…..

…..poor Biddies…..

***And the Moral of this Post?***

~~~~~Good Innard-Motility is Always a Good Thing~~~~~





#hurricaneidalia #conveyorbelt

#costofeggs #egglandsbest #freerangeeggs #barometricpressure #cocktailpartyconversation

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