Eau d’ What…..!!!…..

Eau d’ What…..!!!…..

This is Florida’s (short) annual-cold-snap…..

We’ve had a series of days with chilly weather…..

I’ve been successfully burning two year’s worth of wood from the backyard…..

…..there was a lot of damp/pithy/spongy/dead/nasty/wood that has dropped from the trees back there…..

…..it’s not the best firewood…..

…..but it’s burn-able…..

…..and quasi-ignitable…..(with the appropriate application of the necessary incendiaries)…..

…..not the best of BTU’s…..but it’s enough…..

…..I’m not picky…..


…..I’ve got a nice roasty-toasty fire in the fireplace…..warming the house…..

…..I’m successfully picking-up and cleaning-up the backyard…..


…..(I haven’t even ventured into the goat or horse pastures yet)…..

Here’s a note of worrisome-interest…..

…..or maybe it’s just too much information…..I don’t know…..


I’ve dragged and hauled up all sorts of dead limbs….so that they are closer to the back door…..

…..as a result…..I have a scruffy woodpile developing there…..

Yesterday morning…..first thing…..Ben needed to go outside…..

…..and he decided to “relieve” himself on my stack of wood…..


…..the sun was dawning…..

…..he was stacked out and silhouetted with the morning sunrise behind him…..

…..he had the most serene look on his fuzzy face…..

…..his urine was steaming & streaming ALL OVER my (now nastier) lumber…..

All I could do was stare…..speech-less…..slack-jawed…..

The steam from his pee seemed to waft up into the cold air for an exceptionally long time…..

Thoughts went through my head…..

………….that’s my wood pile!!!…..

………….there’s pee all over it!!!…..

………….if I burn it now…..it would be like burning pee-imbued incense!!!…..


………….but that’s ALL my wood!!!…..

………….sooooo…..I gave it a lot of thought…..

………….I decided to give it a day…..

(I have NO logic as to why that would make the situation any different or better or worse?)…..

But…..I gave it a day…..

…..and now I’m burning the wood…..

…..it has a heady scent…..

…..not sandalwood…..or patchouli…..or lotus…..and certainly not lavender…..

…..we’ll just call it…..

……………………………..Eau de Ben………………………………

Like I said…..

I’m not picky…..

…..and I’ll leave it at that…..






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