Ducklings…..or Chicks…..?

Ducklings…..or Chicks…..?

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Which are they?………….are they going to be baby ducks or baby chickens…..?…..

I’ve done this quite a few times in the past…some might even say I’m an aficionado…..

I may have been a bit too cavalier when picking out the Runner Duck eggs from the daily cache of eggs…..

…..they’re bigger than chicken eggs…rounder at both ends…and denser-feeling to the touch…..

…..Easy Peasy…..right?…..


I picked out the appropriate sizes…shapes…and colors…..

…..and after incubating a gazillion eggs over the years…I felt pretty confident I’d gotten it right…..

But…I ended up with only three ducklings and five chick-lets (who are probably all baby roosters)…..

So much for my egg-picking-expertise…huh?…..


…..remember my new/super-cool incubator that I got a couple months ago?…..

… crapped out totally…right in the middle of the last incubation cycle…..

…..nullifying the remaining-unhatched-quasi-incubated-eggs…(which I’m 100% sure were totally Runner Duck eggs)…..(HA!)…..

Some Of The Unhatched Duck Eggs

…..the poor eggs ended up being good only for rotten egg projectiles…..

I’ve since spoken with a nice lady in Missouri about my lemon-of-an-incubator…..

…(blurry) Baby Ducks…

…..she’s sending me new innards for my current outside shell…so I can replace the humidifier and the fan and the wonky thermostat…..


…Me…Candling an Egg…

The adult ducks have stopped laying until next spring…..

I’ll have to wait until then to try again…..

…nope…no incubating baby…

I’ve spoken to Suzanne-Annette (she incubates lots of exotic eggs all the time)…..

…..and she recommended a different brand of incubator…maybe I’ll try that one next spring…..

…DaVinci Napping…

In the meantime…the dining room butler’s table has returned to its normal use and has stopped being Incubation-Central-Station…..

…..there were a couple times towards the end where the odors got a bit heady around the family dinner table…..

…..(but it wasn’t nearly as bad as that one Thanksgiving Dinner with the decomposing rat in the cement block wall)…..

…..(you just can’t make these things up)…..

I’ve cleaned the inside of the incubator…I’m awaiting the new parts…then I’ll store it away until next Spring…..

And I’ll try again…..






#incubator #runnerducks #duckeggs #deadrat #runnerducks #chicks #duckling 

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