***Dog Fennel***

***Dog Fennel***

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This Is Not Dog Fennel…

I like dog fennel…I suppose that’s weird…it is a weed after all…..

But I like how it smells…..

…..and that’s just as well…because we currently have so much of it flourishing in our front yard…..

With my recent health-hiccups (along with that heinous PTO attachment)…there hasn’t been a lot of mowing going on…..

…..I’d be exhausted just trying to hook up the stupid thing to the tractor…..

…..(I need to invent some tool or clamp that helps get the pin into the doo-dah without cutting off my fingers)…..

PTO/Bush Hog/Tractor

But in the meantime…Anja spends her days in the front yard…amongst the forest of fennel…..

My younger daughter and Anja can both disappear into it…..

Can you see Anja off to the left?…
…(Methuselah…the ancient pine)…

The weeds are just that thick and tall…Methuselah could be hidden in there…..

It’s more like an ancient primeval forest…than a collection of weeds…..

…..I wish dog fennel had more and/or better uses…..

*****(Dog Fennel Information)*****

*****(Dog Fennel Is Everywhere)*****

At this stage…I think I’d have to use a limb-lopper to cut them down…..

I don’t thing the bush hog would chop them up at all…..

…they dwarf the fence posts…

…..maybe if I just cut down a half dozen a day…and stack them on the burn pile…..

…..(which we’ll burn…if it ever starts raining again)…(because there’s a risk of starting a brush fire right now)…..

…they dwarf our gates too…

I bet they’d smell nice burning…..

…..maybe I’ll just leave them…they are adding more character to our front yard…they’ll be pretty when they go to seed…..

…Anja…still lost in the dog fennel…

They create a total curtain to the road…the deer can hide in it…Anja totally disappears…..

…..but these guys have grown to where their trunks are the size of cord wood…..

…..maybe they would smell nice…burned inside…in the fireplace?…..

…..(good thing we don’t have a “Home Owners Association”…huh)…..

…..(they’d love us)…..






#norwegianfjordhorse #weeds #dogfennel #bonfire #redwood #sequoia #methuselah

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