***Did You Know?***

***Did You Know?***

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Apparently there are collars you can buy for your cacophonous roosters…..

And apparently they inhibit said roosters from crowing…(be still my throbbing eardrums!)…..

*****(Explanation of Rooster Collars)*****

Well…apparently…that’s a thing…(?)…..

Who knew!?!…..

Doctor Brigid told me about them…..

…..and she directed me to Amazon Marketplace…..

And they (like anything else you could possibly imagine or think up) are available to be delivered to you within a few short hours(?)…..

…..(personally…I find Amazon’s ability to do that…worrisome…does anyone else find that a little worrisome too?)…..

But it’s true…..

And in this specific/niche situation…you can order crowing collars for roosters…..and get an assortment sent to your doorstep zippity quick…..

Not only that…but you can order them in multiple colors…with or without bowties…or gold lamé…no problem(!?!)…..

I do find that a little worrisome…convenient…but worrisome…..

I purchased a six-piece (multi-colored) set of the collars…..

Fortunately…currently…we don’t have six roosters…(I don’t think so anyway)…(I think we only have four)…..

…..(maybe I should go out and count them again…I don’t trust my neighbors)…..

Remember when the crappy/newbie farmer neighbors down the road were pitching their excess fighting cocks over our fence?…..

*****(Past Post—When The Neighbor “Gifted” Us Their Extra Roosters)*****

But…if there’s a quick fix that’s available that might be a cure for superfluous (early morning) crowing…that would be a good thing…..


And a little morning serenity would be nice…..





#amazonmarketplace #ebay #tractorsupply #ruralking #nocrowroostercollars

#cacklehatchery #murraymcmurrayhatchery #strombergshatchery #

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