~Desperate Little Lime Tree~

~Desperate Little Lime Tree~

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Having just posted about the coveted Kumquat trees…..

…..(that the  %^&^$#  goats ate)…..

I felt it was only fair to write about the struggles of my little lime tree…..

Where the Kumquat can make a great marmalade…the Persian Lime tree stands out as a tiny pillar of garnishes and juice for the Cosmopolitan drink…..

…..but it’s been a struggle for my little tree…..

I first became aware of the existence of Persian Limes through my good friend & riding buddy Ester…..

This tiny tree with it’s tiny fruit has a profound importance…(where the science of Mixology is concerned)…..

*****(The Perfect Persian Lime…For The Perfect Cosmo)*****

…..(my friend Ester understands a good drink)…..

But the years have been tough on our citrus friends…..

…a dead grove from “citrus-greening”…

…..my lilliputian tree has managed to survive through many storms…..

It’s short life has been an up-hill battle…..

…..it is the only citrus tree (apparently there are no kumquat trees here anymore) on our property…..

I planted it right outside our front door…right in front of our dining room window…(so I can keep an eye on it)…(good for me—bad for the goats)…..

It has (somehow) made it through the “citrus greening disease”…(probably because it’s the only little citrus tree anywhere within miles)…..

***(Citrus Greening Disease Explained)***

When a few of it’s leaves came out looking a bit gnarly…I had thought it was a goner-to-greening…..

…..but no…..

It was just Anja rubbing her back-side on it…..

…..and that was remedied with some “faux” electric wiring strung around it and a few T-posts…..


Fertilizing has never been a problem…Anja takes care of that…..

Chickens have regularly laid eggs under it (?)…(I do not know why)…..and dear-departed pets have been buried around its base…..

This little sprout of a tree has plugged along and persevered…..

…..a year ago…I thought it was irretrievable…more dead twigs than a flourishing tree…I’d considered it only good for kindling…..

But I pruned back all the dead wood…and left a naked/lumpy stalk…and gave it some more time…..

You know there are occasions when you don’t notice something that is right under your nose…and then all of a sudden…BLAM…there it is!?!…..

Persian Lime blossoms…

…..that happened a couple months ago…..

This little tree was covered with blossoms and some ping-pong-sized fruit!…!…!…..

When did that happen…?…..

But there they were…..

I’ve already hidden two limes away to dry and save the seeds for re-planting…..

I’ve used the others in Gin & Tonics…..

…..and this post serves as an announcement to Ester…..!…..







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2 thoughts on “~Desperate Little Lime Tree~

  1. My poor struggling peach tree tells the same story. We kiss the baby peaches goodbye when the squirrels find them.

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