Communing With Pascal

Communing With Pascal



*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*******

I don’t talk to people much…..

…..(and it’s out of choice)…..

I fit in with animals better than I do with people…..always have…..

However… with this COVID-19 pandemic…..

…..(plus being encouraged by ALL the powers-that-be NOT to talk to people)…..

…..being anti-social has become the encouraged-norm…..

And…..we all know…..

…..I’ve NEVER gone against the system OR the encouraged-norm…..

…..never ever…..(not once)…..

I have no problem chatting with animals…..

…..people…..not so much…..

…..I like my deadend road………….I like my Swamp…..

Our Back Yard & Visiting Wild Hogs…

… discourages human-interaction…..

…..the bugs and the mud and the snakes appear to be party-dampeners…..

Selfie…..(my feet will be right as rain with a little Clorox & some steel wool)…

So, Patrice &  I chat with Pascal…..

Pascal’s a great listener…..


… great advice…..

…..isn’t opinionated…..


…..and enjoys swamp-living too…..

*************Today…..I count this as my Anniversary Post*************


…..whether it is or not…’s close to when I first started blogging…..

~~~~~~~Over Four Years Ago!~~~~~~~


…..(or totally-societally-dysfunctional?)…..

…..(you decide)…..

Swamp Hag

I guess…..I’ll keep writing…..and posting…..and chatting with Pascal & the critters…..

This blog-do-dah has been a therapy of sorts for me…..

This concept of writing & posting…..curbs my desire to run with scissors or eat crayons…..again…..

…..(it hasn’t slowed down the primal screaming into the Swamp)…..

…..I’ve become part of the local-charm…..

…..I’m that old broad… hip-boots…..screaming out back in the swamp…..

…..hey… probably keeps the coyotes at bay…..

So I’ll keep writing…..

…..there is never a loss of inane things to expound and embellish…..

… on my deadend road in the Swamp…..

Thanks, Pascal…………………You’ve been a true friend …..

***(…..tell me again who is this Pascal guy?…..)***







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