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I suppose I have compulsive tendencies…I suppose I could admit to that…..

I suppose it could be considered that I might have hoarding-tendencies…..

But I don’t think so…..

No…I don’t…..

What I’d like to point out is…Who decides that someone has collecting-foibles?…..

…..what’s hoarding to one person…is someone else’s organization of precious/rare collectibles…..

So…I started collecting door knockers a while ago…..

…..no big deal…..there are a lot of cool ones out there…and who doesn’t appreciate an old brass door knocker?…..

…(I don’t have this one yet)…

I may have started collecting door knobs too…..

Picture 2 of 9

…..but it’s not illegal…(yet)…no one gets hurt…and the door knobs are pretty…..

It could be worse…it could be a lot worse…..

I could be collecting Nile Monitors…..

***(What’s A Nile Monitor?…Here’s A Description…)***

Now see…..

…..door knockers and door knobs are looking much more desirable now…aren’t they?…..

…..they are colorful…unique…and useful…..

…..and the glass millefiori knobs are incredible…..

They’re just beautiful…..


…..(personally I think they’re much prettier than a Nile Monitor)…(but beauty is in the eye of the beholder)…..

…..(plus…my Door-Doo-Dahs don’t eat house cats)…(so there’s that)…..

I have places for all the door knockers…..

…..who said a door should only have one knocker attached to it?…..

The front door on our home has the good fortune of being made up of multiple panels…so I’ve affixed knockers to most of them…..

…..the only problem comes when someone feels a need to use all of them and not just choose one…..

If you notice I have room for a few more unique knockers…and that’s just on the front door…..

There’s always the inside garage door and the outside garage door…..

For being so anti-social…I’ve got a lot of salutatory-devices affixed to my doors…..

It’s an conundrum…..







#milanitaly #millefioriglass #glassblowing #doorknobs #doorknockers #ebay #google

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