*Claire’s Hooves*

*Claire’s Hooves*

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Claire & her Shoeing Stock

Another post about Claire-Bear and her hooves…..

I wish all my posts could be positive…..

I wish Claire would heal…..

Claire & Addy

…..neither one of those wishes appear to be realistic…..

But the good news is…Claire isn’t acting any worse for wear…..

Claire & Brave

She just keeps plugging along…..

One hoof in front of the other…..

Claire & my older Daughter

Claire is inadvertently living out her own twelve-step program…..

One day at a time…..

Montana (our blacksmith) was here again…(it’s a regular thing with horses)…..

…..Well…here’s a long story cut short…..

Claire & Brave at Sunrise…

We don’t know why Claire is as happy and as mobile as she is…..

…..her attitude is great…..

…..her appetite is great…..

…..her temperature is good…..

…..her digestion & bowels are excellent…..

She lounges around the pasture…camps out by the alfalfa…or naps in the shade…..

She’s undaunted by tropical storms…grueling heat…and obnoxious goats…..

She even has her own resident finch…who perches on her back and pecks at “things”…..

But despite everything we’ve tried…we aren’t making any headway with her hoof canker…..

…not Claire’s hooves…

…..in fact…we’re loosing ground…..

Stevie Wonder (our vet) along with Montana…both don’t know how she’s still standing and walking…..

Claire’s Hooves…that’s all over-grown/thick hoof wall…it shouldn’t look like that…

…..but she is…and she does…..

The “quittor” we thought she had (and may still have)…went away…..

*****(Revisiting a Quittor Description)*****

…soaks didn’t help…

…..the back quarter of her hoof…(along with the quittor)…fell off…..

…..it could have been an abscess…but the location was questionable…..

Over the years…nothing has worked…(these are re-purposed shower caps for medicine application)…

…..whatever it was…it was from a past injury…probably one that was never treated properly…if at all…..

…..her canker isn’t the communicable kind…who knows how she contracted it…or what her past may have been(?)…..


Montana bleaches his equipment after working on Claire…(or I provide my own for him to use)…..

And Claire?…..

…..she takes every day as it comes…with her missing knocked-out teeth and her saggy loose lips…..

…Claire’s lips…after worming…(she hates wormings)…

…..I think she’d have quite a story to tell…I mean…look what happened to Boxer in Orwell’s “Animal Farm”…..

*****(The Allegory of the Horses in “Animal Farm”)*****

…..it would probably be a story that’s too sad to want to hear…..

Claire just takes everything in stride…even though what she’s striding on…will ultimately cause her demise…..

She appears to be living her best life…..

…..but her hooves are getting worse…..

…the abscess/quittor…and a thickened hoof wall…

Stevie Wonder doesn’t know why or how she keeps going…..

But her temperature remains good and so does her appetite…..

…..so…in the meantime…until she tells us otherwise…..

She’ll have good meals to eat…a shady place to nap…and her own pet finches…..




#aa #twelvestepprogram #alcoholicsanonymous


#animalfarm #russianrevolution #stalinism #satire #hoofabscess #kopertox

#clydesdaleregistryoftheusa #quittor #hoofcanker #finches #steviewonder #georgeorwell #carebear

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