Caterpillars and Nettles…..

Caterpillars and Nettles…..

It Looks Like Innocent Mint…..But It’s NOT…

I don’t want to talk about them…..


I haven’t even mentioned them… all…..not even once…..yet…………

Dead Nettles…..HA!…

…..they’re out there again…….

…..any bare and/or exposed skin has been ravaged and zapped by those @#$%$#^$ plants…..

…..they are EVERYWHERE………….AGAIN…..!…..

An unsuspecting handyman was here the other day… shorts…..

…..we had warned him about the nettles ahead of time…..

…..we even suggested pants and boots…..

…..he arrived in Docker shorts and boat shoes with no socks…..

…..he didn’t know what “they” were…..!…..(he knows now)…..

Very Healthy/Robust Nettles

…..he was very cavalier…..

…..we pointed them out…..told him what to avoid…..

…..we got this impatient…..”yeah…..uh-huh”…..

…..he didn’t listen…..

…..(silly man)…..

…..(silly, silly man)…..

We could hear him from inside the house screaming that they were like “a FIRE”…..”that won’t go out!”…..


…..(well…..we warned him)…..

…..maybe listening to the wrinkled old lady isn’t such a dumb idea after all?…..

Everybody seems to have different responses to the “stings”…..

… older daughter smarts for a few hours…..

…..mine lasts for about three days…..

Nettle Welts On Me…..(plus a reminder to worm the goats)…

…..I don’t know where they got the name “Seven-Minute-Itch Nettles”?…..

…..there’s no seven minutes about it…..

*****7 Minute?… @#$%^^%#$!*****

*****Nettle Rash Treatment*****

*****Cooking With Nettles?…..Nope*****

…..(really???  Eating Them!?!)…..

Soon it will be hot enough and they will disappear for another year…..


Even Finley has learned to avoid them…..


And now “those” caterpillars have just begun…..

***This Stupid Article Makes Them Sound Minimally Invasive…..HA!***

…..they drop out of trees on you…..they’re on your windshield wipers…..

…..they’re suddenly down the back of your shirt…..or stuck in your hair…..


…..and then they leave indelible/unsightly cocoons everywhere…..

Light years from now…..aliens will wonder what ever happened to our little cocoon-covered/nettle-enshrouded welty-planet…..(I worry about these things)…..

… least I don’t have the same hive-reaction to the caterpillars…..

…..but some people get hospitalized because them…..

The chickens won’t eat them…..they don’t appear to have any real threat to their existence…..

…..except for my squishing thumb…..

Do you know that old tongue-twisting rhyme?………….”Black Bug’s Blood”…..?

Squished Caterpillar…

It applies to them…..

…..try saying that five times fast…..







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