***Acacias Montage***

***Acacias Montage***

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Acacias with a tiara…





Acacias…a few months later…

Well…I thought it was time for…an Acacias Up-Date…..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~He’s Large~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

…..he’s grown…..

He’s not a year old yet…I think his birthday’s the last week in January…..

It’s hard to tell with Irish Wolfhounds…their size makes you think they’re adults…their actions tell you otherwise….

I thought I’d do a montage-esque picture parade for you…..

Acacias doesn’t think he’s grown as large as he has…..

He thinks he’s the same size…he still makes himself fit under his favorite butcher block in our kitchen…..

…..that’s his comfort zone…and where he goes to nap…or “hide” when he’s in trouble…..

I don’t know how much he weighs…(we generally avoid any weight scales in this household)…..

…..he’d be impossible to lift anyway…..

…same butcher block…same Acacias…

We might be getting a walk-on scale…when we start up the KuneKune pig production…..

…..I’m not sure yet…..

…same butcher block…same Acacias…(same sand)…

But other than a special trip to the vets…his weight…(like mine)…will remain a secret…..

Irish Wolfhounds have such good hearts…and Acacias is right up there with a big one…..

…yep…same Acacias…same butcher block…less room…

He’s very caring…very empathetic…he tries to be perceptive…but he’s still too young & goofy…..

…..that will come with age…..

Wisp & Acacias “playing” in the kitchen…

He and Ben are the bestest of buds…Ben’s been showing him the ropes…..

I know with other breeds…you have to watch out if you have two intact adult males together in the same household…..

Acacias…Wisp…& Val

Airedale Terriers…Jack Russell Terriers (notice they are both terrier breeds)………….there’s no way you could have two adult males…co-existing in the same kitchen…hallway…or den…of the same household…without having major trouble…and unwanted house remodeling…and large vet bills…..

But not with Irish Wolfhounds…..

At night…Ben and Acacias sleep in the kitchen/den area with geriatric Molly…..

…..all we have to remember to do…is put the stools and folded-up fire screens on the couches…(to keep the dogs off)…..

…..oh…and the butter dish has to be on the third shelf up (at least) in the pie safe on the wall…and no left overs can be left out…or socks…or used paper towels…(because they will eat them)…..

…..oh…and any dirty dishes left in the sink…will be licked clean…..

Wisp & Acacias still “playing” in the kitchen…

But other than that…those Ben & Acacias are just fine together…..

Even when one of the girls is in season…behind the bathroom door…down the hallway…in my bedroom…with two or three baby-gates separating everyone…..

Now if that were an Airedale stud…the mason blocks would be eaten through…and the doors taken off their hinges……

Airedales are laser-focused…..

Wolfhounds…not so much………….I love Wolfhounds…..

I think their best & only home defense is that they’d trip someone who tried to break in…..

…..and they look…well…like wolves…..

Honestly…I think the Papillon would do more damage…..

Wisp & Acacias playing…

Yep…Acacias is a keeper…..





#jackrussellterrier #pitbullterrier #homesecuritysystems #larsenscompressedalfalfa #piesafe

#akc #irishwolfhoundpuppies #irishwolfhounds #acacias #papillon #airedaleterrier

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