Bush Hogging ~~~ What Could Possibly Go Wrong

Bush Hogging ~~~ What Could Possibly Go Wrong

I’m taking a kinder/gentler approach to all of the bush hogging that I have to do…

I’m separating it into multiple sections over several days…

Today I finished the front yard…

Tomorrow the back yard or the front pasture will be on the agenda…

I felt loopy after just doing one third of the job today…

And…I did burn my ass…

The heat is grilling…

The trouble with sun exposure…..

…..is that you don’t realize that you’ve had too much…..until you’ve had too much…

When I got back inside into the air-conditioning, I realized I was clumsily dropping things along with working on a whopper of a headache…

Bush hogs can pretty much chop through anything…

Over the years, I’ve made a lot of gravel out of big rocks…..

…..and a lot of wood-chips out of downed limbs and dead wood…

Bush hogging is a good way to burn off excess angst…..(that along with primal-screaming into the swamp)…

However…I’ve found that my mower deck can not deal with wire…

Wire is a definite no-go…

Aluminum wire is kinder to deal with…..(post-snarl)

But, I discovered a discarded wad of 9mm steel wire in the corner of the front yard…

It was tucked in nicely behind a fallen tree from last year and camouflaged by tall weeds…

I conscientiously backed the mower deck into the corner to cut down the neglected weeds…..

…..when I abruptly discovered just why they had been allowed to grow there…..

ALL of that wad of wire immediately/loudly/thoroughly got wrapped around the pulleys of the cutting blades under the bush hog pan…..


…..so what was going to be one of the last runs of the day, around the property, turned into an extra hot/extra dirty wallowing in the sand under the mower…..

It took a hammer’s claw, an extra large screwdriver, and a bolt cutter to untangle and cut and remove all of the trapped/wedged wire.

Aluminum wire would have been much easier to remove…..but like I said…..this was old/9mm steel wire…..

Wire In A Feed Bag

Afterwards I wove my way back into the house…..re-hydrated (multiple times)…..and medicated a brewing/sun-induced migraine…..

…..summers in Florida…..

…..what a treat…..

Not The First Time This Has Happened…(and I don’t want to talk about it)





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