**Buck Beards**

**Buck Beards**

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…(this one’s not one of ours)…

They can be beautifully luxurious…..or sparse and bristly…..

Over the many years…..we’ve had many bucks…..

Boy goats take pride in their beards…..

…..they don’t care for them in a way that I would think was good personal hygiene…..

…..(again not one of ours)…..

…..but who am I to judge…..(?)…..

I do have to say that in the dead of summer……in the middle of Florida’s heat and humidity…..

Optimus Prime

…..you really don’t want to be down-wind of them……

Buck goats really don’t have personal boundaries…..and their social behaviors are lacking…..

…(he even looks like he smells)…

…..(at least that’s my opinion)…..

You let your children play with baby goats at a birthday party petting zoo…..or an old/pleasant doe can be trusted too…..

…(baby Oberhasli)…

…..but I’ve never once seen an adult buck goat in ANY petting zoo…..

…..(and there are very good reasons for that too)…..

Professor Dillamond

I’m really not sure what the purpose is for a buck’s beard…..

…..(I really don’t know if there’s any purpose for wattles either)…..

Old Saanen Doe…Complete with Waddles & Beard

…..(I’ll research that one some other day)…..

But some of the buck’s beards are really worth mention…..they are beautiful…..


I’ve been tempted to comb them…..and tease them…..and braid them…..

…..but that desire quickly vacates after I touch one…..they are usually moist and sticky and indelibly smelly…..


…..(and I don’t want to talk about it)…..

Beards do make good emergency handles…..

…(me medicating Professor Dillamond)…

…..and even the girls have their own diminutive-version of a beard…..


…..(but then the older I get…..so do I)…..(TMI?)…..

I thought it was time for a pictorial-omage of the various beards that we have on our farm…..

Hairy Claire
Bourbon Red Tom





#goatbeard #pettingzoo

#bourbonredturkey #goats #saanengoats #oberhasligoats #alpinegoats #boergoats #goatbeard #bucks

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