***Boring Old Lady Health Discussions***

***Boring Old Lady Health Discussions***

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No one wants to hear about cranky/old people’s renditions of their health and surgical sagas…..

No one…..

…………………so I’ll be brief…………………

I’m here…..

I’m vertical……

I’m (semi) coherent…..

…..(but that’s not related to recent hospital “procedures”)…..

Sooooo…I guess it’s fair to say…that’s a plus…right(?)…..

Things were cauterized…(again)…..

…..I know I shook up a couple surgical nurses when I said I had four titanium joints…..

It made them put on their thinking-caps on how to proceed with all the radio-frequencies without sparking out me or the doctors…..

And then the surgery proceeded like a bad “Whack-A-Mole” game…..

…..and afterwards…my breakfast grits were runny…(how can anybody ruin grits?)…..

…..and yes…for you non-Southerners…grits get served down here whenever it is humanly (in-humanely) possible…..

…(this is actually a picture of beach sand doing a stand-in for grits…but you get the idea)…(there’s actually a lot of similarities)…

My surgeon was very impressed with himself…..

…..because he found & plugged a small hole in the septum of my heart…(???)…..


…..along with successfully cauterizing some short-circuiting “somethings”  just inside my aorta(?)…..

…..(apparently…those “somethings” had been there since birth?)…(huh?)…(say what?)…..

He said “the somethings” were tricky…(dear—oh—dear)…..

…..(words like “tricky” and “cauterizing” and “heart” should never be put in the same sentence together)…..

Then I said…well I guess…because we’re having this conversation…then you were successful and didn’t add extra ventilation holes?…..

…..he responded with a Cheshire grin…..

…..I thanked him sincerely…(honestly…I didn’t know what else I should do)…(it was kind of an awkward moment)…..

…..I really didn’t know the proper etiquette for that scenario(?)…..

You know…sometimes Emily Post just lets you down…..

*****Who Is This Emily Person?*****

So now…I’m just sore…and tired…..

But…I really can’t complain…..

…..I mean…after all…I’m still here…..

…..so that’s a good thing…..

I’m still finding & peeling off clandestine electrode-patches that were hidden and stuck on my body…absolutely everywhere…..

And…..I really need to get the surgical notes and see what those “somethings” were in my aorta…..

….and…let’s not forget that newly discovered (and subsequently plugged) hole in my septum…..

…..I really have to be on the “Need To Know List” for that one…..

Oh…and no green Jell-O was anywhere to be found…..

Tra!  La!

…(not green…but close enough)…



#titaniumartificialjoints #artificialjoint


#cardiacablation #radiofrequencysurgery #jello #tampageneralhospital #

#pacs #cardiacprocedure #cardiacsurgery #cardiacsurgeon #aorta #heartseptum #tgh #cardiac

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