***Beer…It’s Not Just For Breakfast***

***Beer…It’s Not Just For Breakfast***

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We all know…..this heat has been brutal…..

It’s on-going…it’s unrelenting…..

It’s been affecting everybody…..

…..All the Flora & Fauna…..

The horses are dragging…the ducks are panting…the Irish Wolfhounds refuse to leave the A/C…..


…..Mama Pig deals with the heat…by flipping her water tub…and then disappearing in her self-made mud bath…..

We are (almost) midway through August…..

Fall can’t come fast enough…..

We’re trying to make sure everyone one has ample water…all the time…..

…(that’s not rubbish tossed in the water tank…the PVC is a hiding place for goldfish…(there are about 5 in there)…they’re there to eat the mosquito larvae…the 2″x 4″ is there for animals who might fall in…so they have a chance to crawl back out…and not drown)…(and…I don’t know why there are two hoses in there)…

There’s an unusual lack of humidity for this time of year…normally…we are swimming in our own sweat…everything is habitually moldy…and nasty…and slick…and scummy…..


…..I agree…but that’s Florida’s August-norm…..

…..this year…though…not so much…..

…..it’s been dry…..

…..it’s been very dry…..

With the heat…horses can stop sweating…..

It’s a condition called “Anhidrosis”…I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before…..

One of the things that seems to help horses sweat…is beer…added to their daily rations…..

*****(Beer For Our Horses)*****

Just dump a can or a bottle into their bucket of feed…..

…..our horses dive right in…..

Claire loves it…(she needs a napkin)…

And (hopefully) somehow the beer starts them sweating…or keeps them sweating…through the heat…..

I guess it makes sense that they would like beer…after all…it is made from a grain…..

…..(but I’m not sure how it makes a horse’s sweating mechanism keep dripping?)…..

*****(Why Is Beer Good For Horses?)*****

But that still doesn’t explain why (when I was a teenager) my horse (Shiloh) would beg my father’s Manhattan cocktails?…..

I don’t think that had anything to do with sweating…maybe it was just the maraschino cherries?…..

All in all…I’m looking forward to this summer being over…..

For all of this talk of anhidrosis…I’m still sweating out this year’s Hurricane Season…..

…..(“they” just up-graded it’s activity level)…..

…..(and let’s not forget the peak of the Season isn’t until next month)…..

It’s all up to Mother Nature…..






#guinnessstout #motherearth #mothernature #gaia #mcewensbeer #

#sweating #anhidrosis #2023hurricaneseason #hurricaneseason #maraschinocherry #guinnessbeer

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