Bathing Beauty Remorse

Bathing Beauty Remorse


Look, You Can See Right Up My Nose!


It was inevitable.

Florida sun.

Outdoor life-style.

Bikinis and beaches.



I think I mentioned before that my daughters asked me what SPF/Sunscreen I used in my teens and twenties while I was basting & brazing on Clearwater Beach…………..




……………………………..Baby Oil……………………………..


Just baby oil.

Oh, and sometimes I would swap it up to Cocoa Butter…………again absolutely no SPF.

This Is Not Me

It was more like we were sautéing rather than tanning.

Still Not Me

And occasionally we would goop on a glob of zinc oxide on our noses or on the tips of our ears…………

Don’t Even Ask………………(not me)-(shhhhhh)

I tanned up real good……………….just my heredity, I guess.

Well, to coin a corny, old saying……………….the rooster has come home to roost.



………I Just Don’t Care How Bad I Look

~~~~~~~~~~There was the tiniest bump on the side of the bridge of my nose………….not colorful………….not dry…………….not obtuse………….more like a small atoll.


Well, whoopty-doo———everybody got so excited.

There were consults, there were biopsies, and there were discussions.

There were inside stitches/there were outside stitches…………………

Good news!!!!!           This is not generally the metastasizing-type of skin cancer.

But, I was a bad patient…………….


I asked if they had to cut into my nasal cavity, would they fit the hole with a musically-tuned gauge, so I could whistle through it………..

…………………they were not amused…

I’m Not Sure, But I Believe This IS An Actual Photo Of Clearwater Beach, Florida…………….I used To Run Marathons On It, Too…………….(Or Maybe It’s St. Petersburg Beach?)

My bathing beauty days are long gone.

I did like using Clearwater Beach’s sugar-sand combined with the baby oil as a nifty/super-dee-dooper exfoliant.

Nope, Definitely Not Me

My butt was mostly covered back then———this was the era just after the nuclear testing on the Bikini Island chain, but before the thong-age………………….(phew).

Bingo Baby!            This Is More Like Me.










4 thoughts on “Bathing Beauty Remorse

  1. I remember climbing up onto the roof of a neighbor’s house with blankets and Crisco for an afternoon of sunbathing. Sailing all day in the gulf with just the bikini and sunglasses and one application of Coppertone. Letting my nose and back get blistered because I loved to peel the dead skin off. Now we pay the piper in flesh.

    1. Yes-siree~~~Crisco: Not just for frying chicken!

      Didn’t you tell me once that as a child you would play in the mist behind the DDT trucks when they would drive down the street and spray?
      ~~~Am I remembering that correctly?

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