Bad Plants…….and Worse Plants…….

Bad Plants…….and Worse Plants…….

Bird-of-Paradise Tropical Flower

Sub-tropical Florida is a moist/perfectly-heated Petri dish…..

Lots of things grow down here and they grow opulently & lavishly…..

…..year ’round…..

…..all the time…..

Invasive Brazilian Soda Apple…..(those thorns are about 1 1/2″ long)…
They Are Even Scarier After Dark
The Thorns Are Stuck In The Tractor’s Tire…

I just wanted to devote a post to photos of what voluntarily grows in our back yard…..

Sand Spurs—A Real Favorite—(and a roadside weed to avoid)
These Hard Spurs Permanently & Painfully Embed Themselves Anywhere…
Sand Spurs DO NOT Spark Joy

It’s a little scary what Florida can produce…..

The Universal/Lovable Poison Ivy…

…..and these things can show up overnight!…..

…..nope…..can’t talk about these………….(but they are popular & easily grow in cow pastures…..and they are EVERYWHERE!)…..

Some of these plants are taller than we are… they’re poisonous…..

ALL Deadly Night Shade…
Mostly Deadly Nightshade…..(and accompanying nettles)…..That’s Our Lawn…
More Nightshade…
Yep…..You Guessed It…..More Nightshade…
It’ll Grow Back…..You Guessed It…..Overnight…

But wait………….there’s more…..

A Volunteer Pepper Plant Appeared By One Of Our Surveillance Cameras…(?)…And It Showed Up…..Overnight…


See…..sunny Florida…..

…’s not just pristine beaches…..

…..with beautiful sunrises over the ocean…..

…..and equally gorgeous sunsets to the west in the Gulf…..

… has that wonderful added plus of poisonous bugs…..and reptiles…..

Bufo Toads…..(poisonous)…..Not To Mention…..Fire Ants…..Rattlesnakes…..Brown Recluse Spiders…..Alligators…..Coral Snakes…..Moccasins…..and lots of Sharks…

…..and…..of course…..HUGE…..Luxurious…..Poisonous…..Plants…..

Holly and Mistletoe (also poisonous) Can Be Found In Florida…



…..(and let’s not forget the plants that are not poisonous…..BUT…..they still deserve a special mention)…..


…..because they are sooooo painful…..

But… are photos of some of the good plants…..

This Papaya Tree Just Showed Up In The Back Yard…
Confederate Jasmine Has A Beautiful/Intoxicating Smell…



…………………what’s not to enjoy?…………………






2 thoughts on “Bad Plants…….and Worse Plants…….

    1. Don’t the nettles get old fast!?! So much of our place will soon be underwater with waterskiing mosquitoes…..gotta love rural Florida…
      You’re high and dry, aren’t you?

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