Back Yard Politics vs. the World…..

Back Yard Politics vs. the World…..

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Who needs the real world when multiple social & political venues unfold in my backyard?…..

…..I just had to put myself in the middle of the dust-swirling aftermath of a backyard scuffle…..

…..”something” happened…..

Inside the house…we felt the thud…..

…..someone got yeeted…..

We heard the squeaks and then multiple snarls & growls…..

I quickly found myself standing in the middle of agitated milling hounds…trying to piece together what had happened…..

…(Always Grab The Terrier Out Of The Mix First)…(and hold on tight—they will escalate any situation)…

The story unfolded…all by itself…..

***Sabine was generally being too rough…..


***Playing…but still…too rough…..

…..(remember she’s not the brightest crayon in the box)…..

***She was insisting on including Everyone in her rough-housing and hooligan-isms…..

***I got there (as fast as I could waddle) after hearing the thumps and whines…..

***Sabine was shaking and her eyes were revolving in her head…she insisted on sitting right behind me…..

***Val was holding up her front leg…and glaring…..

***Everyone else was sitting quietly and politely (and vibrating a little)…just staring at me…(?)…(they’re never polite)…..

***(Here’s the Clincher)…..


***Old matted/intolerant Molly was pacing between everyone…confidently…with her stiff bones (and a spittle-covered crazed grin)…..

***I did my best Puffer Fish and posed as Alpha-Bitch…(they all expect that from me)…..

*************Translation of what probably occurred before I got there*************

***Sabine got too rough…for too long…and included the forced involvement of hounds (who didn’t want to play)…..

***Sabine included Val (who has a very short fuse…even on a good day)…and either bit her too hard or bowled her over…something that hurt her leg…..

***Val came up swinging…..

***In the subsequent ruckus…they both ran over Old Molly (who has NO fuse)…..

*************And Molly Finished Everything*************

Molly still has senior-status…even though she’s creaky & old…and because she’s so cranky…..

Who needs the political World-stage or Détente …(?)…..

…..I don’t…..

I’ve got a backyard full of machiavellian moments…reigns of terror…coup d’états…peace talks and mediations…..

Sabine is now under witness-protection…Val is going to want to even up and get some retribution…..

…..Molly is supervising while sleeping in her self-dug hole in the sand…..

…..and that’s the World-stage as viewed from my backyard…..

Maybe dog treats would help at the UN?…..

…..Who’s A Good Boy?…..






#mistertoadswildride #snausages #milkbones #dogtreatsn #royalcanin #begginstrips #greenies

#un #unitednations #worldstage #machiavelli #coupdetat #detante #peacetalks #mediation

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