~Anja’s Summer Wardrobe~

~Anja’s Summer Wardrobe~

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Anja  &  Addy itching each other…

***Summer Sores***

They’re just another of the many things to watch out for during the hot/humid months here in soggy Florida…..

…(you can kind of see the sore on her fetlock)…

But this story has a positive/happy theme…..

Summer Sores are yucky…(What’s a Summer Sore, You Ask?)…..

Anja’s a cutie pie…she moved down here from the North…I think she was born in one of the Dakota’s…and she was transported down from her family farm in Minnesota…..

But with a lot of the transplanted horses…the Florida bugs can really bug them…..

I use bug spray on them regularly…but it gets rained off…or sweated off…and let’s face it…it’s got some pretty rough chemicals in it…..

…..so when I find something that doesn’t involve carcinogens…I do my happy dance!…..

I read about some loose leggings that go around a horse’s lower leg…..

I wouldn’t call them wraps…they’re not boots…and they don’t fit snuggly to the leg…..

…..the loose fit is a benefit…no chaffing…no trapped moisture…but enough movement to keep the flies away…..

There’s Velcro that securely attaches around the horse’s fetlocks…and then there’s a slight-conical shape as it goes around the lower leg…..

For the last several summers…Anja has benefited from extra summer bug apparel…..

She has a full fly sheet…but she really doesn’t require all that much coverage…..

She really only needs a fly mask…(which she rubs off quickly and hides daily)…..

…..and last summer she started developing Summer Sores on both her front leg fetlocks…round-oozy-ulcer-like sores…..

Suzanne-Annette came to the rescue with the appropriate treatment and medication…..

…..but I knew I’d have to find something for this summer’s bug-issues…..

…..with a little research…I came across these “Shoofly Leggins”…and THEY ARE GREAT!…..

I’m not advertising for them…I’m just saying they work…..

Anja keeps them on without any issues…..

She has no Summer Sores…..

My only disappointment is that they aren’t large enough to fit around my Clydesdale’s tree trunk legs….

…..(maybe I could sew some sort of Velcro extensions)…..

So a big thumbs up…for you horse-people out there who have similar problems…you might like to give these a try…..

They’ve worked for Anja…..






#floridabugs #northdakota #southdakota

#summersores #shooflyleggins #clydesdale #norwegianfjordhorse #minnesota #floridasummer

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