………………………And We’re Waiting………………………

………………………And We’re Waiting………………………

Claire & Addy

So this is what happens inside a horse mom…..

*****Foaling Basics*****

A foal develops for about eleven months (give or take sixty days—–yep, SIXTY (60) days!)

Ahead of birthing…..the baby drops down lower into the mare’s belly and the future mom can even appear to have a sway-back at that time…

Then ideally, as the foal is being readied for delivery, the baby (somehow) organizes itself…

……and starts to travel back towards the mare’s pelvic-girdle…..while it’s twisting around to be upright (prone)…..

*****Foal Positioning*****

…..and in position to be birthed…..with both front legs preceding the entire procession…..and the baby’s little head resting on its knees…..waiting to start its life at a gallop…

*****Lots Of Foaling Pictures*****

…..sounds impossible doesn’t it!?!

…..those legs are so long…..with so many joints that can bend in so many different directions…..

…..and my job IS TO BE PATIENT!!?!!…..


…..we’ve had a number of foals on this farm…..(Deco, Misty, Dundee, Annie’s baby (angel baby), Becky, Argyll, Monarch, Bennett, Beauty, Bell’s baby (angel baby), Brave, and Drum)…..I’ve been white-knuckled throughout all of them…

Macy & Drum

…..what’s that old saying…..”if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen?”…..

Bennett & Violet

…..so far…so good…..but you never know…..

…..I’m singed…..but I’m still here………………………

Bennett & Violet

It still amazes me what happens inside the mare in order to get her baby organized and properly presented to the world…

Addy’s a big girl…..

She’s got a womb with a view…..

She’s had a number of previous foals…..and she’s been a good brood mare…

Addy & Her Last Filly

………….but I still worry…………..

………….I worry a lot…





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