Amateur Meteorologist

Amateur Meteorologist

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It’s August…..

By the middle of this month…’ll be the height of the hurricane season for us…..

…..can’t you just hear the bile churning in my stomach?…..

…..I have so many friends who are much braver than I am…..

…..I wish I could take this all in stride…..

So I’ve become an amateur meteorologist between the middle of August and the middle of September…..

…..and any other time that deems necessary…..

… meteorological-angst has no bounds…..

Here are some key-things I look for…..(whether they are important or not)…..

***The Sahara Desert Layer Of Sand***     (and where it’s headed)

My housewife-logic says…..if there’s a lot of dirt and dust in the air…..

…..then how could there be rain and hurricane-stuff mixed in with it?…..

…..that would just be slinging counter-clockwise mud at everybody…..

…..and that’s just not fair…..

***The Next Thing I watch is what’s happening with “The Sheer”…..

…..(other than a pantyhose-color…..I don’t really know what that is)…..

…..(but I dutifully watch for it anyway)…..

…..I have my favorite Meteorologist who I watch too…..

…..he isn’t an alarmist…..some of the younger dudes are…..

…..let’s face it…..

…..there’s a BIG/BIG difference between a low-edge Hurricane 1 and the numbers up above that!…..!…..!

Hurricane Katrina

***Here’s a fun little aside…..

We recently (last week) discovered that our contractor neglected to put hurricane straps (they’re a thing here in Florida) on the roof of our porch renovations…..!…..

…..Noooooooooooo…..Auntie Em…..Auntie Em!…..

…..(FYI…..we’ve since had them added)…..(?)…..

*****Hurricane Straps***What’s Not To Love💕 *****

So Everybody…’s my advise…..

#1…Watch where the Sahara Desert Sand is blowing…..(hurricanes and sand dunes appear to have some sort of an agreement)…..

#2…(Try to Find)…Then keep a look out for high-level & low-level sheer…..(it might just take a hurricane out at the knees)…..

#3…And watch for swirly things on the weather forecaster’s map that are headed your way…..

#4…And stock up on batteries…Moon Pies…and mediocre bourbon…..








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