All Better Now

All Better Now

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If I say it enough…..maybe my body will believe me…..

I’m DONE with being sick…..

I’ve decided……I’m NOT sick anymore…..

Too much unproductive down-time…..

So…..I’m NOT sick anymore…..I’m just not…..

…..the house cats are still sick…..but recovering (slowly) too…..

I’ve tried taping N-95 masks on their furry/sneezing faces…..(it didn’t work)…..

…..(they might be a tad concussed (from being airborne as much as they have been recently)…..along with being a bit congested)…..

…..(but they’re healing)…..

There’s been so much that’s happened…..(mostly extra dust settling on everything in the house)…..

…..but it’s the (dried and oddly-topographical) “things” I’ve been finding on the floors that worry me the most…..

…..I don’t know their origins…..hairballs?…..old-fashioned hurls?…..or worse…..?…..

…..(well…..that’s what spackle knives and elbow-grease are for)…..

…..(it’s better not to look too closely)…..

I’m sure I’ll Be Right As Rain shortly…..

…..(how did that expression get started?)…..

…..but…..Yes…..Yes…..I will…..





#rain #sick #covid

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