!A.M. Cacophony!

!A.M. Cacophony!

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How has this happened again…..

The only way to know that there are too many roosters…is to wait until the pre-dawn hours…..

….then it’s unmistakable…..

How on Earth has this Happened Again!?!…..

I need to count the amount of boy birds who are wandering around out there…..

I know exactly where they are each morning…..

They are right outside my bedroom window…..

…..there are at least two that I hear faintly (way out in the barn)…..

But the majority of the Cock-A-Doodle-Doo’ing’s are on the other side of the wall from my bed and my pillow…..

AND AGAIN…some of these guys are NOT ours!…..

I’m fairly sure wars have been started for less than this…..

The baritone-basso crowings are from our roosters…..

…..but the screeching-counter-tenors are a fighting cock mix…..

…..And They’re Not Ours!…..

I know who’s doing it…there’s a newbie-rural-person who’s moved in around the corner…with a quaint/little/enameled-sign nailed to their mailbox post…..

…..it says they sell farm-fresh eggs…all done in enameled calligraphy  &  flowers…..

…..the extra roosters who are here match their hens walking around their yard…..

It’s way too far for their birds to saunter this way on their own…..

…..but tossed out of an idling car…well…that’s another thing…..

…..and then their extra/misplaced roosters just follow our hens…..

I know these “neighbors” are “new-to-the-country”…..

Because you don’t get fighting-stock if you’re interested in egg-layers…..

You get heavy-breed/egg-layers…(for the biggest eggs)…(duh!)…..


So I suppose now…with the price of eggs sky-rocketing…I’ll have to watch for more locals getting involved with backyard chickens…..

…..which is fine…as long as…they keep their own #$%^&%#@’ing roosters…..

My daughter’s and I will chase them down…AGAIN…and take them to the auction…..

I swear there are three dozen of them out there…and they all have amplified megaphones…..

…..and in what world is dawn at 3:45am?…..

Again…Another Good Reason To Have Working Surveillance Cameras…..

…..(note to self:—Get them gone before the next full moon…or else they’ll make my life a misery)…..

Caesar, Guillaume, Rex Goliath III, and Montague can stay—(but that’s our four roosters)…..


The Rest GO!…..

…..who would have thought that living in the serene country…on a dead-end road in the swamp…would be so combative…..?…..







#surveillancecameras #farmfresheggs #eggprices

#bantamchickens #fightingcocks #fightingchickenbreeds #egglayingchickenbreeds

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