Bionic Woman

Bionic Woman

Well, in one day I go in for another joint replacement.

I think the old equine riding expression of:  “Rode Hard and Put Up Wet” applies to me.  I’m looking for suggestion boxes for my opinions about improvements for the knee joint……….but I haven’t found one yet.

So with recent regularity I have been opting for plastic and titanium rather than biological joints.  I’ve instructed my children that when I die and am cremated that they have to recover the melted lumps from my joints.  I want them to be used as door-stops.  I paid for them……….I want them back.  Besides wouldn’t they make great conversation starters? (or finishers)………………….”Yep, that’s Mom’s left-over metal debris over there.”

It’s all right……….my daughters are used to my warped sense of humor by now.

I’ve gotten to know my Orthopedic Surgeon quite well over the years.  I’ve had one knee replaced already along with two hip replacements.  So I need the last knee replacement added to my current trifecta of joints.  It was my surgeon who gave me the idea about getting the melted joints back.  He and his PA said they had seen videos of melted appliances and that they really looked cool.  I am also considering re-decorating my surgical scars.  Over the years I have accumulated one or two.  There are a couple scars from a few (or more+) decades ago that have excessive “train tracks” from staple closures……………………I’m planning on either having a train engine, cars & caboose tattooed on the “tracks”……….or maybe a vine of pretty climbing roses up my leg intertwined with the hefty scar like a garden trellis of sorts……………………….Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…………………Decisions……….Decisions.

Which also reminds me of another tattoo-idea that I have been toying with.  I want lips & eyes & eyelashes tattooed to the side of my hand, so that when I make a fist it will make a face using the side of my thumb as the bottom lip and the side of my knuckle as the upper lip.  That way I will have my own puppet on my hand who I can talk with and frighten the neighborhood children.  I can’t take the creative-credit for the hand-puppet idea though.  It stems from an old movie (1979) that I love called “The In-Laws” with Peter Falk and Alan Arkin.  There is an insane, tin-pot-tyrant character in the movie that has a hand-puppet who he talks to called Señor Pepe……….I want my own Señor Pepe.

Then I want a mustache tattooed on the inside of my index finger so I can point my finger and hold it above my lips………………… is rapidly starting to sound like I have been huffing swamp-gases for too long………………maybe I should get out more………………..being socially-acceptable has never been my strong-point and I am witnessing it (social acceptability) slipping over the distant horizon…………………hmmmmmmmmmmmmm———(now I’m re-evaluating my personality characteristics…………….)hmmmmmmmmmm……………Nope………….still don’t care.

But the real reason for this post is to let the “Cloud” thingie & Señor Pepe know that I may not post for a few days as I will be changing-out body parts…………………….again.

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