…You Are What You Think…

…You Are What You Think…

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This whole medical-thing has aggravated me…..

…..I don’t like it…..

It’s impacted too much of my life-style…or what I intend my life-style to be…..





But perhaps…it’s just choosing a change of perspective…..

…(just change the facet you look through)…

So…I’ve decided to change the expression from “You Are What You Eat” …to…”You Are What You Think”…..

…..(otherwise…I’d be a MoonPie and a mediocre Bourbon & Coke)…..

Again…putting aside that flippant but accurate whimsy…..

I’ve decided…I’m Healthy…..

I’m done with these health-restrictions…they’re both boring and unproductive…..

So having said that………….Good!………….It’s been decided…..

But…there’s been a bit of a delay…..

This week…my heart surgeon’s office called and delayed my surgery…..


…..my doctor needs some “time off”………….(?)………….


My knee jerk response was to become depressed & impatient & querulous…..

…..followed by some aggravated toe-tapping…along with a couple mumbled/hissed expletives…..

However upon reflection…..

…..if the dude’s tired and needs some “me-time”………….

…..Then By All Means—He Should Take It!…..

If he needs a little Va-Kay…then he needs a little Va-Kay…..

…..I don’t want a stale surgeon…I want someone energetic…eager…and…fresh from his time off…..

I don’t want to be the last one on an exhausted/jaded surgical schedule…..

…..just saying…..

I’m not even sure what the date is of the re-scheduled procedure…it’s some time later in April…..

…..I’ll figure it out…after all…they can’t start without me…..

So…in the meantime…I’m moving forward…..

I’ve been told (multiple times from multiple sources) that I need to incorporate meditation and yoga into my daily agenda…..

…..Okay…Okay…I agree…it’s time to start…..

…(Downward Cat?)…

Plus………….I need to put another ten dollars in my “Next Riding Horse” envelope…..

…..but enough with this infirm crap…..

…..it’s just too limiting…..

Starting next month………..I’ll be Right As Rain…..

Don’t be confused…this is not me…(many make that mistake)…

There…I’ve decided…I’m all better now…..






#bourbonandcoke #cardiacsurgeon #manifestation #positivethinking #gratefuldead #jerrygarcia

#homeostasis #cardiacprocedure #cardiacablation #rightasrain #moonpie #jimbeam #bourbon

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