~~~Yesterday Morning~~~

~~~Yesterday Morning~~~

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Since Acacias’ arrival…our morning routine starts with taking all the dogs outside…..

…..they run…and play…and pee & poop…and run…and play…some more…..

…(sorry for the blurry photo…what can I say…they’re moving fast)…(at least my thumb’s not over the lens again)…

My older daughter and I aim for the hay bales (which are stored in the backyard)…..

They double as semi-safe/elevated seats from marauding hounds…with sloppy faces…and cold noses…..

It’s was beautiful watching the morning sun come up…(an actual zen-moment)…(if the Irish Wolfhounds weren’t trying to drag us off the bales)…..

Earlier there was a flock of assorted Florida birds who flew over…..

…..the leading birds were wood storks…followed by ibis…there was even a bright pink bird in the group…..

Looking up they were all so pretty with their bellies illuminated by the rising sun…..

***(Florida Bird Identification)***…maybe it was a Spoonbill…or maybe it was a Scarlet Ibis…..

But this particular morning…there was a doe who didn’t bound away…she remained in the back pasture…..

…..right on the other side of the fence(?)…so close to the hounds(?)…..

She was acting strangely…almost like she wanted to play(?)…..

She kept running up and down the fence line…..

…..she’d stomp at the hounds…trying to get them to chase her(?)…..

It probably took my daughter and me way too long to figure out that things were out of the ordinary…..

…..we finally had that “Ah Ha” moment…..

She was trying to get the pack of dogs to follow her…away…from something or someone…..

Once we figured that out…we quickly scooped up all our hounds and brought them inside…..

…..and sure enough…the doe went right to a high patch of reeds…and I saw a baby lift its head above the grass…..

…..the fawn had been so still when the cavorting hounds were barreling around the backyard…..

My daughter and I kept an eye on the Mom through the back windows…she was able to get her newborn to stand up and follow her further back into the safety of the over-growth…..

…..all’s well…that ends well…..

It was really quite a precious moment…seeing the newborn fawn…and what her mother was willing to do to keep her baby safe…..

~~~~~Happy Mother’s Day~~~~~






#ahhamoment #mothersday #hallmarkcards #mothersday

#floridaswamp #floridatourism #spoonbill #scarletibis #woodstork #irishwolfhound #akc #fawn #doe

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