X-10 Magnifying Mirror

X-10 Magnifying Mirror


I have to use magnifying readers to read anything these days.



They are so strong that when you look at me, my eyes look like enlarged dark puddles.




I like the reading glasses from DollarTree…



……….surprise———they only cost a dollar (plus 7% tax).


Our store has some really bright and bodacious colored & patterned ones.

I can coordinate them with my outfits or my attitude for the day.



And if I loose them or sit on them or a dog eats them……………then I’m only out one buck…………..and I can go back and get more…


I have to use the strong ones.  I think they are 325+ power lenses…



……..well, it is what it is…….at least the glasses are available and I can use them successfully to read.

I only have one working eye anyway, the other one has central vision blindness so I can’t read squat with it…

………..and let’s not forget about the macular degeneration in both eyes…………..but that’s dormant (so far) and it’s the dry drusen not the wet kind (I’ve been told that’s a good thing).

The central vision blindness is a result of the hot laser surgical scarring from the treatment that I had to have about twenty years ago to stop the progression of histoplasmosis.

I got the histoplasmosis from the chickens we had on our farm in Ohio.

Chickens In Our Garage (they shouldn’t be there).


It’s an ocular disease that I share with a lot of the Amish in the same area where I grew up………………the local Amish farms usually have chickens too.



**********But because of all of these above-described, eye-sight weirdness along with my post-menopausal whiskered chin———I need a very strong magnifying-mirror…..

…………so I can mow and puck all of the weedy, auxiliary hair growth.  But with that 10X magnifying-mirror, every pore and wrinkle and scar and “beauty” mark (age spot) looks absolutely and thoroughly gigantic!………..and terrifying!



Run for the hills!

It’s the dark side of the moon………….and there are oddities that live there!!!

It’s a combination of elephant-hide, and dried mud, and corrugated cardboard…

It could swallow up entire bottles of expensive, regenerative beauty lotions…



So, why bother………..?



so…………………………I don’t.

But please…………….

Why don’t people warn you about the nuances of the mine-fields of aging………

Let a person get prepared for the fun to come.

The one thing that my microscope-mirror does for me that’s beneficial, is it makes me look like I actually still have eyelashes…


……..the three that I still have on my right upper lid and the two remaining on my left lower lid look like sequoias……………so that’s a plus, right?

But my eyelid hoods?

………….I’m sad to say they look like hurricane-damaged, beach-cabana awnings………..



But, hey, what’s the option to getting old?


……………I think I’ll celebrate in the hoods and the sequoias.






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