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We kept one of Willow’s puppies…..

We named her Wisp…..

…(Wisp is the little dark one)…

Her registration will be Willow’s Wisp…..

Her mother’s formal name is Will O’the Wisp…..

…Willow Relaxing…

…..naming babies after their parents…(it’s a thing)…..

People think they pick puppies…it’s really the other way around…..

Willow’s Puppies…(and my thumb)…

When you’re on the side of the litter like we are…you see the puppies react differently to people who come to “choose”…..

It’s really the puppies who choose…..

…..there are those in the litter who go up to everyone that visits…..

…..there are puppies who only visit the people they pick…after checking them over…..

Wisp knew from the start that she was staying with us…she was the tiniest by far…..

…..when everyone else had their dew claws removed…we opted not to remove Wisp’s…..

…Wisp is the tiny one at the top…

…..she was just too small…..

…..we didn’t want to stress her any more than what was absolutely necessary…..

…she’s on the right…

…..she was that tiny…..

But she kept trucking along…and growing…and catching up…and growing bigger and bigger…..

Willow  &  Wisp

…..when everyone started opening their eyes…one of Wisp’s eyes didn’t reflect the light like everyone else’s…..

As time went by…her left eye became more and more cloudy…..

Doctor Brigid checked her a number of times…it appeared it was injury-related…..

…..it probably occurred even before her eyes opened…..

…..maybe a toenail scratch from a litter-mate…..(?)…..we don’t know…..

…..we treated her…but the prognosis for that eye wasn’t good…..

Today…Willow is hale & hearty…she’s compensated for the lack of central vision in her right eye…..

…..(I don’t think she knows any difference)…..

(blurry)…Willow  &  Wisp…

…..(she’s only known her eyes to be the way they are)…..

Wisp picked us at an early age…..she fits right in here with the rest of us…..

Wisp…(again with the blurry)…

…..no one treats her differently…..

I’m blind in my right eye…..Wisp’s blind in her left…..my younger daughter’s visually-impaired and uses a white cane…..(which she’s not above thwacking you with)…..

…..that’s just how we roll…..

We’re a Handi-capable Family…..






#whitecane #irishwolfhoundpuppy #visuallyimpaired #dewclaws #willow #willowthewisp #blindness #handicapable #blindjustice #eyeinjury

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