Who’s to Blame

Who’s to Blame

This computer writing thing is getting easier, but still uncomfortable.  I feel like I should have a “To:  Somebody” and “From:  Me”  before I get going.  Getting going isn’t the problem………..way too much hot air to share of little import.  It’s just where am I going from here?  Is there a meaning to it all?  Should there be?  Will I eventually not have acne in my seventies?  Does cellulite have to be a universal constant?  Too much depth and introversion.  I think I’ll stop and have a Moon Pie.  I just saw that Amazon carries an assortment pack…………..  Should I just stick with banana or be adventurous with strawberry……………another unidentifiable artificial flavor plus it’s pink?  Decisions, decisions.

I’ve always done wordy e-mails.  My daughter pointed out to me that I got into e-mails after they were passe (I know that word should have an accent on it, I don’t have a clue how to put an accent on it, and my daughter told me I have to stop marking on the computer screen).  So e-mails are out of fashioned?  I’m staying away from the other stuff———FaceBooking, Tweeting, Blooping.  I know I’d get into too much trouble way too quickly with them.  Emojis are cute but a bit jaundiced.  The initial thing is okay.  LOL & SNAFU & IDK & WYD & BRB;  and all that.  I know BYOB.  I want a Tee shirt that says:  “E.I.E.I.O.~~~~L.M.F.A.O.~~~~E.I.E.I.O”.  What does E.I.E.I.O mean anyway.  And was Old MacDonald able to to pass the farm down to his kids, or did they loose it to inheritance tax?   I guess the initialing phrases came about with texting.    I don’t text.  I have a flip phone………..with dog teeth gnaw marks on it.  “Behind the times” is my mantra.

I should now point blame where blame is due for starting me on this blogging promenade.  A few years back a very tolerant friend suggested I should write stories or something because of my litany-enhanced e-mails to her.

So I did.

I started writing in my aforementioned three-ring note book.  I told her I would use a working title of “Letters to +++++++”.  (I’m not supposed to use actual names here am I?).  We will now call her Simone.  So I began writing “Letters to Simone”.   I like the ring to that.

Then recently a really nice individual I met who has one of our puppies suggested I do the same.  We will call her Boudica Smythe.  So when blame needs to be pointed at someone for this blog, it needs to be pointed at Simone and Boudica.  The rest of you know who you are.

I have a propensity for long e-mails.  I have a friend who is a very successful business woman with limited spare time.  She once told me that she couldn’t finish reading my e-mails because they were too verbose.  They are.  What’s worse is I like messing with her.  So, now when I need to send her something important I tell her it is hidden somewhere in the middle of the e-mail, or worse I’ve made an anagram.

So in a nutshell, that is how this blog came about.  I really don’t have a better reason for it.  Both tolerant and intolerant friends pointed me in this direction.  And there are just so many things that occur on our little oasis that I have to share them with whoever or no one at all.

That’s also why I turned off the comment section (or at least I think I did).  I don’t want to have hurt feelings……………this is all about me anyway.

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