*While I Wasn’t Paying Attention*

*While I Wasn’t Paying Attention*

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*******

Normally at this time of year…..I’m fixated on the weather…..

Radio Forecasts…..TV Weather Reports…..

Computerized Pasta-Projections…..

For some reason…..this year…..so far…..

…..I’ve been a little too relaxed with my meteorological-compulsions…..

I had noticed that the days have been cloudy and hazy…..

…..but no rain…..

I had noticed the excessive humidity…..and the nasty heat…..

…..and no rain…..

So just a little bit ago…..

I decided to check my computer’s-bookmarked-hurricane-information-site…..

………………………AND  WHAT!?!………………………

I have been missing things!


Apparently there has been a Tropical Cyclone 3 somewhere out there in the western Gulf of Mexico…..

(…..what IS a tropical cyclone numbers 1 through 3…..?…..)

And then there was/is a Tropical Storm Claudette that was forming or has formed out there in the Gulf too…..


It all goes to show…..you get a little lax and the Hurricane Season just rolls right over you!…..

I also discovered that the haze that has been burning my eyes and I’ve been trying to ignore…..

…..is actually from Trans-Atlantic-Sahara-Desert-Sand…..

…..from Sahara-Desert-Sandstorms……way over in Africa…..(again)…..

…..but there’s a big ocean in between(?)……

It all goes to prove…..you snooze…..you loose…..

I’ll have to crank up this season’s weather-paranoia…..(we know I can)…..

………….I am missing way too much stuff!………….

Sandstorms traveling over the ocean…..

Cyclones…..(apparently there was already a One, and a Two, because there was already a Three that I missed?)…..

…..AND…..Claudette…..good ole’ Claudette…..

…..(that means I missed an “A” Named Storm and a “B” Storm already)…..

…..(somewhere?)…..(but where?)…..

I’ve obviously been slacking in my weather-projection-paranoia…..

I need to get with the meteorological-program…..

Buckle up Betsy…..the 2021 Hurricane Season Is Here!

Inside A Hurricane’s Eye…..


(BTW…..apparently “A” & “B” were Ana and Bill…..sneaky little named-storms…..)

(…..but I don’t know where they were…..)

(…..next up…..Danny…..)






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