Where Have All The Skeeters Gone?

Where Have All The Skeeters Gone?

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Where are they?

…..here we are…..squatting in the normal/steamy/swampy/water & scum…..

…..the same stuff we get every summer…..

…..per usual…..

…..(it’s the norm for this time of the year)…..

………………………………..Whoopty Doo………………!!!……………….

Normally you have to take a putty knife to scrape the mosquitoes off your arms and legs and neck…..

………………………………….but this year…..?……………………………..

Where are they….?…..

I just spent almost two hours outside with Montana (our blacksmith)…..

…..at sunrise…..

…..and I killed only uno/one/1/ein mosquito…..!?!…..

…..no one buzzed me…..I didn’t even see any on the horses or Montana…..?…..

I have friends with good/high/dry/pasture land…..

…..and they are swarmed with the boogers right now…..

But here in our snorkel-worthy swamp…..

…..we don’t got none…..(?)…..(I just love a well-placed double negative…don’t you?)…..

……………………BUT…..Why…..No Mosquitoes(?)……………………

I would guess that there might be different categories or sub-species of mosquitoes…..(?)…..

…..maybe even high-lands and low-lands mosquitoes…..(?)…..

…..(really…..I have NO idea…..whatsoever)…..

But I do know…..we got NO mosquitoes here this summer…..


We have low-swampy…..boggy-land…..(a bug’s paradise)…..

…..and no skeeters…..

Our Front Yard…

I’m not complaining…..(I’m really not)…..

But after decades of blood-letting here in our swamp to a multifloofloous-brigade of broody mosquitoes…..

Our Back Yard…

…..I don’t know what happened…..?…..

…..and it worries me…..

Florida Keys

I do know that Mr. Gates had millions of sterilized (male?) mosquitoes released down in the Keys this last spring……


…..what do I know…..(?)…..

…..I’m just using housewife-logic here and watching what goes on around me…..

I’ve lived through gypsy moths…..and Japanese beetles…..and love bugs…..and citrus greening…..

*****The Gypsy Moth—Your Friend*****

*****Let’s Not Forget The Friendly Japanese Beetle*****

*****The Love Bug—The Universities Doth Protest Too Much?*****

*****The Greening Of Citrus*****

…..you know…..all those well-intended/avalanching mistakes & hiccups…..

What could possibly go wrong with releasing prophylactically-educated boy bugs…..?…..

…..we’ll just have to wait and see…..





#mosquito, #billgates, #blacksmith, #swamp, #floridasummer, #florida,

#citrusgreeningdisease, #floridakeys, #gypsymoth, #japanesebeetle, #lovebug,

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