What We Do In The Summer…

What We Do In The Summer…

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*******

It’s super hot outside…..

So…..it’s easy to be sequestered in the air-conditioning of the house…..

…..not a real hard choice…..

…..it’s much like reverse-winter-cabin-fever…..

But it can get boring…..

And it’s a safe bet that if left to my own devices…..

…..the out-come is not always a good thing…..

There are a number of things I “COULD” be constructively doing…..

…..for example…..the tile in the bathroom needs caulking…..

…..all of the mineralization from our hard water needs to be scrubbed off the fixtures…..

…..ah…..the floor…..it needs so much…..

….yeah………….nope………….I’m not touching that either…..

…..I’ll just kick-start Marvin for that…..later…..

Marvin  &  Sabine…

…..(actually it’s Marvin II…..we killed the first one)…..

…..sorting laundry…..that’ll always wait…..I just use the laundry room as my personal closet and pull my clothes from there…..(why fold them, to just unfold them again…..right?)…..

So instead…..


I’ve enhanced some of my “artistic” skills…..

…..with permanent markers…..

…..(I love my permanent markers)…..

My mobil-palettes on this given day were the Jack Russell and the Papillon…..

…..(the Irish Wolfhounds are just not a challenge)…..(they don’t run away anymore)…..(plus they are monochromatic)…..(and the cats just bite me)…..

Danny was just dazed & disappointed…..

…..(my younger daughter was NOT pleased with me)…..

Drogo gets very judgy…..he’s already been my artwork-canvas one too many times…..

…..a running/hiding canvas…..

I COULD do the bathroom grouting…..

………………………BUT this is WAY more fun!………………………

My older daughter has tried (on more than one occasion) to hide my markers…..but I can sniff them out…..

…..(they don’t smell as nice as the ones in the ’60’s)…..

…..(I still fondly remember those days of innocence with magic-markers stuck up my nose)…..(who knew?)…..(or rolling mercury beads around with my fingers)…..(and let’s not talk about the model airplane glue)…..

…..(but these current permanent markers’ll do)…..

So see…..creativity is in the eye (?) of the beholder…..

Diadem For Drogo…..
Drogo Is Not Amused…

…..(here’s a worry…..there are still months left of this heat…..

…..I’ll be indoors and bored…..for a long/long time)…..

…..(maybe…..glow-in-the-dark/glitter/papier-mache/stalactites from all of the ceilings?)…..






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