What?…Prosecco’s Deaf?

What?…Prosecco’s Deaf?

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We think Prosecco…(our kitty-kat-um’s)…is deaf…..

…..(actually my older daughter figured it out)…..


Sometimes…we’re less than attentive to the obvious…..

Sometimes the obvious…is totally missed on us…..

We’ve had Prosecco for…(I don’t know)…five or six years…..

We thought she was wayward…uninvolved…and aloof…(you know…a cat)…..

Prosecco likes bling…

…..maybe that’s all there is to it…and this is just a big ruse…..

But on closer examination…I don’t think so…..

We may have dropped the ball on this one…..

There were some tell-tale flags I suppose…like…..

*****Sometimes she will sleep through “Snackle Time”…..

…..(unusual…but not for a cat who’s a picky-eater)…(she’s not a picky eater)…..

*****Sometimes she will really jump…if you pet her when she’s napping…..

…..(on hindsight…that should have been a give-away)…..

…(same cat…different day)…

*****She never comes when she’s called…..

…..(what cat does?)…..

*****She has a really raucous/unearthly yowl…at inopportune times…kind of like fingernails on a chalkboard…..

…..(we just thought she was tone-deaf)…(okay—it’s looking more obvious now)…..

…..but…it’s much like Monday-Morning Quarterback’ing…it’s easy to see in hind-sight…..

*****And then…(here’s the clincher)…if you catch her eye and wave at her…she comes running…..

DaVinci  &  Prosecco

Okay…Okay…we missed it…..

Now I feel bad…..

…(I have photos of Phoebe & Clara somewhere…but that was when pictures still had negatives & were on rolls of film)…(these guys are close enough)…

But to my defense…years ago before my daughters were born…we had two deaf Great Danes…..

…..Phoebe  &  Clara…..

…(not Phoebe or Clara…but a Blue Merle colored Great Dane)…

We bought Phoebe…and thought she was acting deaf (ish) as a puppy…so…we took her to our Veterinarian and asked him if he could evaluate her…..

He took the covers off two stainless steel specimen trays and banged them together…right behind Phoebe…while she was napping on the floor of his exam room…..

…..and she didn’t wake up…..

Then our Vet said………….Your Puppy Is Deaf…(I love that man)…..

Blue Merle Or Harlequin Coloring Is Just Fine…But You Have To Be Careful…And Make Sure The Parents Aren’t Both “Dilute ” Coloring…Do Your Genetics Research First.

*****(Huh?—Double Merle Gene?)*****

So what did we do?…the sensible thing…we drove back to the breeder (north of Atlanta) and got another deaf puppy…..

…(I would bet this Dane is deaf)…

*****(More on Merle’s)*****

…..we taught them hand-signals…they were obedient when they looked in our direction…otherwise they ignored the sign language and did what they wanted…..

Because of their uniquely dilute-color…and crystal blue eyes…(and with a little bit of research on the “Double Merle Gene” along with expert veterinarian evaluation)…we figured the entire litter was probably deaf.

…(even with blue eyes…this Dane might not be deaf)…(it depends on the parents)…(research your breeder)…(we didn’t)…

*****(This One’s Real Scientific…and long)*****

Maybe I’ve listed too much information about Double-Merle Genetics…(but I find it interesting)…..


…..it doesn’t apply to Prosecco one bit…(she doesn’t have blue eyes…she’s not a merle…and her parents weren’t “dilute” coloring)…..

…..so…I don’t know…..

But she is deaf as a doornail…(now I have to research why doornails are deaf)…..

*****(But Why Are Doornail’s Deaf?)*****

***(Is This Doornail Dead or Is It Deaf?/now it’s clear as mud/but this paper even has a graph)***

…..Anyway…good thing Prosecco’s a house cat………….’cuz it’s a jungle out there…..

Our Back Yard…






#americansignlanguage #deafasadoornail

#prosecco #deaf #doublemerlegene #genetics #cfa #akc #fsdb #doornail #bluemerle #asl #greatdane

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