*****WHAT…..!!!?!!!!…..Now There’s Gamma*****

*****WHAT…..!!!?!!!!…..Now There’s Gamma*****

Tropical-Something Gamma is doing a twirl down around the Yucatan Peninsula…..

*****Gamma—–You Little Devil*****

Most of the tracks have it going WNW…..

…..so far…..

We appear to be motoring our way through the Greek alphabet…..


What’s the name after Gamma?……

I’ll go check…..

***Apparently It’s Delta***

(I would’ve thought that Delta would come before Gamma…..but hey, this is the Greek alphabet)

I like “Mu”…..

…..but I don’t want to get that far into the alphabet to reach a Tropical System named “Mu”…..

…..that I can do without…..

We need to dry out now and embrace the coming Dry Season…..

I want to be able to use chapstick and put moisturizer on…..

…..(and not have it slide off my sweaty face)…..

…..I don’t want to scrape mold from between my toes anymore…..

…..ANY…..tinea infection just LOVES Florida summers…..

***Tinea Infections—–What’s Not To Love***

We use a lot of iodine on the goats (or any animal)-(or ourselves) when ringworm shows up…..

***Iodine—–It’s A Good Thing***

FYI—–Iodine and sterling silver jewelry do not like each other.

All in All…..

…..I’m looking forward to drying out…..

We don’t need no storm named Delta…..

…..and we certainly don’t need no Mu-storm…..

I want crispness…..I want blustering zephyrs…..a little frostbite would even be acceptable…..

I’m going to go hang out at the Winn-Dixie’s frozen food section and fan myself with the doors…..

…..(until they chase me out again)…..

…..soon I’ll be freezer-diving for big frozen turkeys that will be on sale right before Thanksgiving…..

…..I have that to look forward to…..the smashed fingers…..not so much…..

…..but the chance to inhale frozen-chest-freezer air into my lungs while diving for big/frozen turkeys…..


…..life is good…..

But in the meantime………….Gamma…..(?)…..really!?!…..

It’s sunny today…..

I have to attempt to de-horn an adult doe goat…..

This time I’ll be trying out a new method…..

…..using a rat-tail file…..and castrating bands…..(?)…..

…..Doctor Brigid/my goat-vet-friend and the nice lady in New Zealand on YouTube say that it works…..

I’ll give it a whirl…..





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