We Went To Ulta~~~Still Not A Silk Purse

We Went To Ulta~~~Still Not A Silk Purse


My daughters never give up on me.

The three of us went to a make-up store the other day…


Ulta  Cosmetics





Mirrors everywhere.  It all smelled so pretty.  Everyone there was so pretty.  Every white piece of fabric that we were wearing looked gray…………

I should have grabbed my children then and run screaming back to the truck…


The sales ladies were so pretty…………

……….and as frightened of us, as we were of them…………





I’d left Patrice hanging on my bedroom door at home.

And we still scared those ladies and we were wearing our good clothes!

How sad…

I even had on my good Doc Martens.  And they were clean, too…



I was wearing a bra!

Come on!  You don’t get more dressed up than that!!




Well, I think the ladies must’ve drawn straws or something.


Because one petite young thing with sculpted eyebrows finally blocked our wanderings in the Chanel section.



We were busy wafting around sprays from various perfumers and aromachologists.



We were happily paddling the air with those perfume-parchment-what’s-its.  (I brought a bunch of them home with me and smelled the samples later in the day……………..they all smelled bad.)



Sculptured/eye-browed/sales lady, with the short straw, asked us how she could help…

The fun had just begun!


We wanted lipstick.

All three of us wanted lipstick.



Both daughters said I couldn’t get any of my preferred “Seventies-Beach-Bronze-(or White)-Frosted-Lip-Paintage”.

(but I like that stuff)


**********Here’s a fun little fact**********

My older daughter asked me what I used for tanning when I went to Clearwater Beach when I was in college?…….what brand?…….what SPF?…….


I told her…………….baby oil…

……………..just baby oil…




Things have changed…



Maybe that’s why lipstick feathers out up to my nostrils in the wrinkles around my lips now?




My daughter has shown me a really cool guy on the computer who does make-up videos.



Jeffree Star Cosmetics







His suggestions are really good………………and if they work on papyrus-aged-skin after years of sautéing in baby oil on Clearwater Beach, Florida…………….they will work for anyone!!!!!!!!!!!


**********Give him a try!!!        I mean it**********


Oh, and back to the sculptured sales lady.

We did buy lipstick…

She said the brand we picked was———Anastasia Beverly Hills(?)

———She said it would stay on through a hurricane.

Speaking of hurricanes……………

Hurricane Michael is motoring his way up the Gulf of Mexico right now.

He’s supposed to miss us and hit the panhandle…

………….we will wait and see……………….


Along the way, Hurricane Michael will scoop up all the “red tide” sad debris and deliver its nastiness to the Capitol’s steps in Tallahassee…



But back to lipstick……………

I think I got “Bohemian”(?)

My younger daughter got “Katherine”.

My older daughter got “The Heathers”.

And we’re so pretty now………………….






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