~We Call It Home~

~We Call It Home~

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Home is where the heart is…..

…..so………….I guess our heart is in the swamp(?)…..

We do reside up-close & personal with a steamy humid bog…and with it comes a few swamp challenges…..

We have a good friend who lives around the corner…..

She’s lived in “the neighborhood” a few years longer than us…she’s quite the environmentalist and holistic naturalist…..

…..(however…on the rare occasion…I have been able to corrupt her into appreciating a good Moon Pie)…..

…..but I digress…..

~~~Back to the Swamp~~~

A few days ago…she’s reminded us…just how far “in the boonies” we live…..

A person can get complacent…It’s important to stay alert out here…..

Sadly…last week…she lost one of her house cats to a coyote…..

…..unfortunately…that happens regularly with small dogs and cats in our area…..

I know coyotes are well-adapted and can be found practically anywhere…but during the course of our conversation she mentioned a few other things…..

Her neighbor recently found and killed two (4+ft) eastern diamondback rattlesnakes at the side of their home…..


…..apparently two alligators were at their backdoor…(I don’t know their size…and I don’t want to)…..

These same neighbors have free-range (and free-laying) chickens…AND…they regularly feed the wildlife…..

…..(probably more than they realize with their (free-range-everything) chickens)…..

So understandably a lot of local wild critters have learned to come close for their freebie handouts…..

…..or available house cats…..

We haven’t had roaming/visiting alligators around here for about twenty years…but I guess they’re back again…..

…(I know you Herpetologists out there will be disappointed with me…and I may have been just a little hysterical…but I wanted to make sure it was dead…he or she was longer than the width of our road)…(thankfully…this picture was taken a few years ago when my daughters were young)…

We try to stay observant about the plethora of regional poisonous snakes…..

And coyotes are everywhere…..

Now apparently…thanks to some well-meaning but under-educated (stupid…stupid…stupid) neighbors…we have some local meandering gators…..

*****(Local Woman Killed By Alligator Identified)*****

As the crow flies…my friend’s house is a quarter mile from us…..


…..dumb asses…..


So…nightly…we’ve been making sure Otto (our barn cat) is safe in the garage…..

I do have to say that last night…when we were collecting him…the swamp was “unusually” quiet…..

…..”something” is different out there…it “feels” like vigilance is necessary right now…..

I don’t mind animals doing what animals do…..

…..but I have zero patience for dumb people…..

Some stupid people are just better smoked for bacon…..

…..even on my dead-end road in the swamp…they’ve found me…..








#easterndiamondbackrattlesnakes #alligators #coyotes #moonpie #hickorysmokedbacon #

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