***Was That A Coolness In The Air?***

***Was That A Coolness In The Air?***

…..what was that…..?…..

…..there was a coolness that just puffed past…..(I think)…..

…..for an itty-bitty second…..

It’s going up into the 90’s today…..

…..but that was that little puff of kindness in the air this morning…..

…..wasn’t it…..?…..

…..for that sliver of a moment…..

…..before that saturated-sauna-towel of humidity and rising temperature slapped the air out of my lungs…..?…..

It was there!

…..I swear it was!

…..(I think)…..

There’s supposed to be a “cool front” that piddles through sometime around Wednesday of this coming week…..

It’s supposed to go down to 70 degrees!!!!!!!



…..at this stage…..I’ll take anything…..

Don’t get me wrong…..

…..it’s still going up above 90F every day…..

…..but the lows have broken below the 80’s…..finally…..

Yesterday…..Addy actually kicked up her heels and trotted around the pasture…..without any encouragement…..!…..

I’ve started breaking in a pair of new (used) field boots that I bought off eBay…..

(…..in anticipation of riding soon…..)

…..they are the old/pull-on kind without zippers…..

…..they are too big…..but I’ll wear extra socks…..

…..they’re too high…..but they’ll skooch down more with time…..(hopefully)

…..but at least they are black and they are tall…..

…..and more importantly…..

…..the soles are still attached to them…..

…..I find that to be an important detail…..

…..something that was lacking in my last pair of boots…..

My idea of breaking in the boots is to wear them around the house…..

…..but because it’s still so hot…..

…..and I try to keep the thermostat for the A/C set a little warm…..

(…..so that our electric bill isn’t too high…..)

…..then as a result…..I don’t wear Patrice while in the house…..

…..just my tee shirt and underpants…..and now…..

…..my used/over-sized field boots…..

…..(with spurs)…..

…..I’m always embarrassing my daughters…..

…..we don’t get many visitors out here…..

…..that’s probably a good thing…..







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