Waging War With Squirrels

Waging War With Squirrels


When I was little, in Ohio we had two different types of squirrels.

Red Squirrel

There were red squirrels and big gray squirrels.

Gray Squirrel

We grew up rural…………….with rural palettes.  By that I mean, we ate what was put on our plates.

And squirrel was one of the delicacies.

Between you and me and Pascal (the computer’s “Cloud”)…See  (“Pascal”)–Post/Published—October 19, 2017.

……………….I’ll take a squirrel stew dinner over mutton ANY day!  (We raised sheep too.)

Mutton tallow———eeeeeewwwwww.)

Mutton is bbbbaaaaaaaaadddddddd…

Real bbbbbbaaaaaaaddddddddd…


It ain’t no leg-of-lamb!

It’s like flossing with dirty sheep wool……..(bbbaaaaaaaddd).


But Ohio squirrels are not what I am talking about today.

I’m talking about Florida squirrels.


Specifically Florida squirrels in my garage.

They’ve been coming under the side door.

They’ve been gnawing through feed bags and spewing whole kernel corn and sweet feed all over the garage.


They’ve bolted up my arm and over my shoulder to freedom when I unwittingly cornered them behind a feed bin.



Some hyper-ventilation ensued on both parts.

Rabid, little Disney-rats!




I drilled and screwed up an aluminum kick-plate with a corresponding rubber flap on the door’s bottom-edge…………….

It took less then twenty-four hours for the mangy @$%&#@!!!@$$% furry rodents to gnaw away the rubber seal and let themselves back in……….!!!!!!!!!


I’m heading back to the hardware store to buy an appropriate-sized, flat hurricane-strap to bolt to the door.

Galvanized metal…………………………………….take THAT Chip & Dale!

Chip & Dale……..(?)

Like the furniture brand!?!

………………all these years and I “just” got it!!!!!

Now, that’s pathetically sad, isn’t it!?!

Besides, Disney’s Chip & Dale were chipmunks, not squirrels.

Chippendale……………………..go figure………..

That’s funny………

Better late than never, huh?


But, MY squirrels are being super-destructive.

I found a semi-empty fifty pound bag of the remainder of chewed on whole kernel field corn.

I think they even pooped in the bag.


That’s disgusting and not very good manners considering they are guests………………..unwanted guests………………..but guests all the same.

………………..wish they were bigger…


Even with all of the corn that they’ve been eating……………they are not big enough to serve up for dinner………….



And yes, I’ve given it a lot of thought……..






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