

“Code of Chivalry”


…..(a.k.a…..Val Pal)…..

…..she’s a high-energy derf…..

She’s not a year old yet…..

…..but she IS low-man-on-the-totem-pole…..

She’s the youngest of the three puppies who we kept from each of the last year’s litters…..

She is the youngest out of ALL of the females…..(mother and matron-aunts included)…..

…..that’s not a good position to be in…..

When things go wrong…..that’s the position that gets in trouble…..

…..you are the habitual chew-toy…..the scape-goat…..

…..you are always the one left holding-the-bag…..

…..(I know this…..I was the youngest…..and always the slowest and most culpable)…..

First thing, in the mornings here…..

…..the herd of dogs have to go outside immediately…..

…..(it’s that exploding-bladder-thing)…..

But after “that” necessity is taken care of…..

…..then it’s time for play…..


Val is fast…..

…..and that’s a good thing…..

We have a big/fenced backyard…..

…..Val can plan her flight-paths and (usually) successfully avoid the rest of the dogs…..

…..the “rest” of the dogs consist of six other Wolfhounds…..one barking Papillon (a cheerleader from the sidelines) and a tethered Jack Russell…..

…..(the Jack Russell has a clothes-line that he’s allowed to rapidly traverse)…..(any of you who know terriers understand)…..(if they’re left to their own devices…..chaos ensues)…..

…..but should any Wolfhound cross Drogo’s (clothes-lined) path…..?…..

…..he tears the @#$%^%$#@ out of them (real or imagined)…..

…..(it’s a terrier-thing)…..

On a recent/cool morning…..when the dogs were larking…..

…..I witnessed Val cross paths with the galloping/tethered terrier…..

…..while being on the losing end of an angled-end-game-run…..

…..and all I saw was a “tail-over-teacup” fuzzy projectile…..

Val was doing cartwheels in mid-air…..

She didn’t seem at all concerned…..

…..it was one of those slow-motion-things that you can’t un-see…..


…..she was probably smiling and waving while she was airborne and flying past the porch window…..

My older daughter was standing by me during this spectacle…..

…..she calmly said that Val was spectacularly “yeeted” through the air…..

…..(I love when my daughter keeps me “cool” and “current” and “groovy”)…..

*****New Term For The Day:  To “Yeet” Something Or Someone*****

***Cool/Hip Definition Of “Yeet”***

…..(there…..now I’ve shared my cool-ness with you)…..

(oh…..and Val survived her yeet-ification)

(she lives to be yeeted another day)

Poor Val





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