Update On Rocket Man (a.k.a. Finley)

Update On Rocket Man (a.k.a. Finley)

Finley  &  Mama  Claire

Well…..the dude’s got a name now…..

…………………It’s Finley…………………

…………………and he’s still a poop-head…………………

Finley  Being  Taught  “Ground Manners”…..(I’m NOT In A Good/Safe Position)…

…..but…..he’s a healthy/growing/robust…..poop-head…..

…..(FYI…..he still warrants the nickname Rocket Man with his razor-sharp/honed/aimed/accurate/double-barreled kicks)…..

…..(plus now he’s learning to pop-up with his front feet)…..

…..(and just around the corner…..next week…..he’ll be striking out with his front hooves)…..

We’ve had enough foals here to know ahead of time what’s on the little dude’s agenda…..

He’s just following the normal protocol for learning the ABC’s of horse-dom…..

Don’t get me wrong…..that doesn’t mean we won’t be teaching him OUR ABC’s of appropriate horse-behavior & manners…..

…..that’s on our agenda too…..

Don’t worry…..I won’t be rude or inappropriate (in terms of baby-horse-training)…..

…..but I WILL get his attention…..

Finley  Learning  How  To  Behave  For  The  Blacksmith…..Geez!…..That’s A Big Butt…..(his & mine)…

…..and…..Rocket Man…..eeerrr…..Finley…..needs to learn to be a gentleman…..

…..beginning NOW…..

Finley  vs.  Me

All baby-horses do this…..all babies assert their not-so-tiny authority…..all babies test their boundries…..

Finley’s right on schedule…..

…..(even if he is just a tad bit more emphatic with some of his antics than some of his predecessors have been)…..

…..Okay I’ll Admit it…..

…………………He’s An Outrageous/Whirling Booger!!!…………………

…..(but he’s our booger)…..

Since we first put his baby halter on…..

…..we’ve had to make it bigger three different times…..

…..because he’s growing so fast…..

…..there is only one more hole left on the crown piece to increase the length of it…..

I suppose we could drill some more holes in it to extend the length of the crown piece…..

***Halter Parts Identified***

…..but the noseband has been enlarged as far as it will go already…..

He must be growing…..I don’t notice it…..I see him every day…..

He’s about six-ish weeks old now…..maybe seven…..

…..and he’s turning into a baby behemoth……







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